Autho Guidelines

General Requirements

  1. Articles must be the author’s original scientific work and must not have been published or under consideration for publication in other media.
  2. Articles may be written in Indonesian or English and must follow the journal's style and template. Authors are required to use the provided article template.
  3. Articles should address relevant themes within the journal’s scope, demonstrate strong analytical depth, include updated references, and be free from plagiarism. 
  4. Manuscripts must be formatted on A4-sized paper with the following margins: Top: 3 cm, Bottom: 3 cm, Left: 3 cm, Right: 3 cm. Use Book Antiqua 12 pt, single spacing. The manuscript should be 4,000–7,000 words (10–25 pages).
  5. Articles must be submitted online 

Article Structure

  1. Title

    • Should be clear, concise, and informative, accurately reflecting the article's content in no more than 15 words.
    • Avoid abbreviations or jargon.
  2. Author Information

    • Include the author's full name (without academic degrees), institutional affiliation, email address, and WhatsApp contact.
  3. Abstract

    • Written in both Indonesian and English.
    • Summarize the article in a single paragraph (maximum 200 words) and must include:
      • The context and background of the study.
      • The study’s purpose, methods, core findings, and conclusions.
      • Highlights of the study's new or important aspects.
    • Avoid citations and uncommon abbreviations.
  4. Keywords

    • Include 3–7 keywords that represent the core topics of the article.
  5. Introduction

    • Present the issue being studied.
    • Explain the urgency of the study and its relevance.
    • Discuss related prior studies and position the current research.
    • Clearly state the research objectives and argument.
    • Limit to 1,000 words.
  6. Methodology

    • Provide a detailed description of:
      • Research approach and design.
      • Study location and data collection methods.
      • Number of respondents or informants and justification for the sample size.
      • Data analysis techniques.
    • Explain the rationale for choosing the methods used.
    • Limit to 500 words.
  7. Results and Discussion

    • Present research findings with sufficient detail and clarity.
    • Include an in-depth analysis of the data.
    • Compare the findings with previous relevant studies.
    • Ensure the discussion addresses the research problem comprehensively.
  8. Conclusion

    • Provide specific answers to the research questions.
    • Summarize the main findings and their implications.
    • State the limitations of the study and possible directions for future research.
    • Limit to 250 words.
  9. References

    • Use Mendeley or Zotero to manage citations in APA 7th Edition citation style.
    • Ensure at least 80% of references are journal articles and the remaining 20% are books or other sources.
    • Include a minimum of 25 references.

Additional Notes

  • Subheadings within the "Results and Discussion" section should be used as necessary for clarity.
  • Ensure tables and figures are formatted according to the journal template and are placed appropriately within the text.
  • Authors are encouraged to proofread their manuscripts to maintain a high standard of language quality.