Penerapan Sensor PIR Pada Mata Pelajaran Instalasi Penerangan Listrik di SMKN 1 Darul Kamal


  • Sadrina Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, UIN Ar-Raniry
  • Sri Wahyuni Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, UIN Ar-Raniry
  • Eis Eravan Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, UIN Ar-Raniry


Electrical Lighting Installation, PIR Sensor, Learning Outcomes


Based on the results of learning observations in the subject of Electrical Lighting Installation, it was found that most students still lack enthusiasm and interest in learning. Compared to studying, they prefer to do other things so as to make the class atmosphere noisy and disturbed. This has an impact on the value of student learning outcomes at a level that is not good or not optimal. This study aims to determine students' responses to the application of PIR Sensor-Based learning media in the subject of Electrical Lighting Installation at SMKN 1 Darul Kamal Aceh Besar. This research uses R&D method. By using a questionnaire sheet instrument on 8 students. The research results were collected through a questionnaire sheet. Student responses to the application of PIR Sensor-Based learning media showed "Satisfactory" results. This is proven by the results of student responses as much as 71.1%. It can be concluded that the PIR Sensor has proven to be effective for learning Electrical Lighting Installation and can be applied to other similar subjects.



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