About the Journal

Journal title : Jurnal Riset Teknik Fisika
Initials : JURITIKA
Frequency 2 Issues every year
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)
Editor in Chief : Nurhayati, S.Si., M.Si
Publisher : The Department of Engineering Physics in cooperation with the Center for Research and Publication of Universitas Islam Negeri (State Islamic University) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Jurnal Riset Teknik Fisika is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by The Department of Engineering Physics in cooperation with the Center for Research and Publication of Universitas Islam Negeri (State Islamic University) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, and book reviews on applied physics (See Focus and Scope). Publish twice in year, January-June and July-December.

This journal publishes research results in applied physics that impacts knowledge and technology. We do not publish preliminary studies.  

Specifically, the topics and scope that are published consist of:  1) Dielectrics, ferroelectrics, and multiferroics, 2) Electrical discharges, plasmas, and plasma-surface intractions, 3) Emerging, interdisciplinary, and other fields of applied physics, 4) Energy and sustainability, 5) Magnetism, spintronics, and superconductivity, 6) Organic-inorganic systems, including organic electronics, 7) Photonics, plasmonics, photovoltaics, lasers, optical materials, and phenomena, 8) Physics of device and sensors, 9) Physics of materials, including electrical, thermal, mechanical and other properties, 10) Physics og matter under extreme conditions, 11) Physics of nanoscale and low-dimensional systems, 12) Physics of semiconductors, 13) Quantum physics and technology, 14) Soft matter, fluids, and biophysics, 15) Thin film, interfaces,and surface.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2025): Jurnal Riset Teknik Fisika
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