The Impact of Islamic-Based Migrant Associations on the Indonesian Migrants in Nagoya, Japan


  • Rakadipta Septian Dwiputra Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
  • Ikacipta Mega Ayuputri Ministry of National Development Planning, Bappenas, Jakarta



migrant organizations, Islamic activities, social integration, gender empowerment, second-generation migrants


As the number of Indonesian migrant workers and students heading to Japan rises, organizations dedicated to their support and integration have become increasingly significant. Among these, Islamic-based organizations, reflecting Indonesia's majority Muslim population, have garnered attention. A key player in this landscape is “Keluarga Muslim Indonesia” (KMI) in Nagoya, a vibrant organization that has been instrumental in aiding Indonesian Muslim migrants in and around Nagoya. This study adopts a qualitative research approach, incorporating social media analysis and semi-structured interviews, to delve into the contributions of KMI Nagoya. The findings highlight four pivotal aspects of KMI Nagoya's impact: the provision of various Islamic activities meet the religious needs of Indonesian Muslim migrants; the facilitation of social integration, helping migrants acclimate to Japanese culture; the offering of activities aimed at empowering women; and the engagement of second-generation migrants, ensuring they maintain a connection to Islamic and Indonesian traditions. This study underscores the multifaceted role of KMI Nagoya in supporting Indonesian Muslim migrants, marking it as a cornerstone of their successful integration into Japan.


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How to Cite

Dwiputra, R. S., & Ayuputri, I. M. (2024). The Impact of Islamic-Based Migrant Associations on the Indonesian Migrants in Nagoya, Japan. Jurnal Sosiologi Agama Indonesia (JSAI), 5(2), 209–229.



Research Articles