Screening for Plagiarism Policy

Lingkar: Journal of Environmental Engineering is steadfastly committed to upholding the integrity of scholarly work, recognizing that it plays a pivotal role in advancing knowledge. In line with this, we've crafted a policy designed meticulously to deter and identify instances of plagiarism in submissions.

Commitment to Authenticity:

To ensure that every piece of content published under our banner meets the highest standards of authenticity and originality, we employ an exhaustive plagiarism check process using the leading software, TURNITIN.

Our Anti-Plagiarism Measures: 

  • Initial Screening: Each submitted article undergoes a rigorous initial screening using TURNITIN to identify any overlaps with pre-existing content.
  •  Threshold Limit: For consideration in Lingkar: Journal of Environmental Engineering, articles must have a similarity score below 20%. Articles exceeding this limit will be subjected to a more in-depth review.
  •  Editorial Evaluation: Manuscripts clearing the initial plagiarism checks are handed over to our adept editorial team for further assessment.
  •  Feedback and Revision: Articles flagged for minor similarities will necessitate revisions by the author to ensure appropriate citations and originality.
  •  Rejection Policy: Submissions found to contain significant plagiarized content will be immediately rejected. Such findings may also impact an author's eligibility for future submissions to our journal.

 Clarifying Plagiarism:

 Plagiarism, in its essence, can take several forms:

  •  Direct Copying: The act of replicating another author’s work verbatim without the necessary permissions or due acknowledgments.
  •  Substantial Copying: Reproducing a notable part of another's work, where 'substantial' is gauged by the relative value and extent of the copied content.
  •  Paraphrasing: Reinterpreting another's words or ideas and failing to credit them adequately.

At its core, plagiarism is more than mere copying; it's the misrepresentation of someone else's thoughts, words, or findings as one's own without proper acknowledgment. With the incorporation of TURNITIN into our editorial workflow, we reinforce the trustworthiness of our journal and safeguard the intellectual contributions of researchers globally.

 We urge all authors, researchers, and collaborators to acquaint themselves with and adhere to these guidelines, ensuring the integrity and reputation of articles published in Lingkar: Journal of Environmental Engineering.