Author Guidelines

A. General Requirements

  1. Any articles submitted in this journal should be based on research, original and has not been published and/or sent to any journal or media.
  2. The content of the article relates to Islamic history, culture, archaeology, philology, Philosophy of Islamic History and Philosophy of Islamic Culture. The translated of a manuscript is not accepted, although it relates to education.
  3. The manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia must provide abstract in English. However, article written in English is preferable which fulfils the criteria of good and correct writing.
  4. The length of the article is around 5000 to 7000 words.
  5. The article is writing using Microsoft Word RTF format, Cambria 12 font size, 1.5 space on A4 paper, the margin for right, left, top, and down is 3 cm. For more information please refers to the Indonesian Journal of Islamic history and Culture article template.
  6. The manuscript must be submitted through OJS portal of Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture (IJIHC).
  7. For mor information please contact editorial team through following email account


B. Specific Requirements

  1. Due to blind review policy, the article does not contain name of author, affiliation and email account. Name of author, affiliation and email address are submitted during registration process on Open Journal System (OJS).
  2. The article must contain:
    Title that conform the following guidelines:
    a. Title reflects the main topic of the article.
    b. Title must be coherent and straightforward and contain the main variable of the research.
  3. Abstract must follow the following requirements:
    a. Abstract must be written in English and Indonesian.
    b. Abstract is summery of the article.
    c. Abstract is written in one paragraph with single space and not more than 200 words.
    d. Abstract must contains four aspect of logical reasoning such uas the important of the research,
        methods that are used, the result of the research and conclusion.
  4. Keywords must contain 3-5 keywords.
  5. The structure of the article must contains:
    a. Introduction that consist of background of the research, research questions, objectives of the research,
        method that are used, and relevant researches that have been conducted.
    b. Finding and discussion.
    c. Conclusion and recommendation.
    d. Acknowledgement is recommended.
    e. References.
  6. A citation and references style use 16th Chicago Manual Publication.


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