Author Guidelines

Guidelines for the writing of articles at the Journal of Information Technology (JINTECH) can be seen as follows:

Articles are the author's original scientific work and have never been published or are in the process of being published by other media;

Articles emphasize the study of Information Technology and Islam, Software Engineering, Human and Computer Interaction, Mobile Computing, Soft Computing, E-Learning, Multimedia and Image Processing, Parallel / Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Computational Linguistics, Data Communications and Networking, Database Management System, Big Data and Data Mining (See Focus and Scope);

Articles must be following the surrounding style and journal template;

The author must submit an article that reviews the actual themes within the scope of the Journal, shows the sharpness of analysis, the updating of references, and no plagiarism. The author must fill in the form for the authenticity of the articles;

The articles systematics are:

  • Title;
  • Author's name (without academic degree), affiliation, e-mail, and Contact Whatsapp;
  • Abstracts are written in two languages, Indonesian and English. The abstract contains a maximum of 300 words;
  • Keywords, max 3 words;
  • Introduction;
  • Subtitles (according to the needs of the analysis and discussion);
  • Conclusions;
  • Reference.

Articles can be written in Indonesian or English.

Articles submitted to JINTECH have typed in Papers A4, Margin (Top: 3 cm, left: 3,5 cm, Bottom: 3 cm, Right: 3 cm), Times New Roman 12 pt, 1,15 spaces ranging in length from 10-12 pages.

The articles submitted through online submissions must contain the articles file and the academic biographical data.


It is placed in the very last part of the article. It should be referred to the resources cited in the article. The writing should comply with the following examples:

Book: Kowalski, K. P. (2014). Advanced Arsenic Removal Technologies Review. In Chemistry of Advanced Environmental Purification Processes of Water: Fundamentals and Applications.

Journal Article: Aeni Hidayah, N., & Fetrina, E. (2017). Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kenaikan Jabatan Pegawai Dengan Metode Profile Matching (Studi Kasus: Kementerian Agama Kantor Wilayah DKI Jakarta). Studia Informatika: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 10(2), 127–134.

Website: Harmandini, F., “Manfaat Kopi Untuk Mencegah Berbagai Macam Penyakit,” Female Kompas, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01-Jan-2016].

Mass Media: F. Harmandini, “Manfaat Kopi Untuk Mencegah Berbagai Macam Penyakit,” Female Kompas, Jakarta, 2009.

Thesis/Dissertation: Yulianto, A. (2014). Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi Di Fakultas Matematiak dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Dengan Metode AHP dan TOPSIS. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.


Make sure that your articles are prepared using the articles templateDownload here the manuscript template.