
  • Nurul Ulva UIN AR-RANIRY Banda Aceh
  • Fadhila Fidia Haya
  • Chahnidar UIN AR-RANIRY Banda Aceh
  • Mulyadi UIN AR-RANIRY Banda Aceh


Plankton, diversity, Ujong Pancu


Plankton is a group of aquatic biota in the form of plants and animals that live or float passively on the surface of the water and their movement and distribution is influenced by current movements and when they are weak. The Lampageu Ujong Pancu area faces significant environmental challenges that impact marine ecosystems, including plankton populations. The expansion of aquaculture ponds has led to increased pollution which has had a negative impact on plankton diversity. This research aims to determine plankton diversity in the Lampageu Ujong Pancu area, Aceh Besar district. The research was conducted using the purpose sampling method. Sampling was carried out at five stations. The object of this research is all plankton species found in the research area. The results of the research found as many as 8 types of plankton species with the calculated diversity index beling 1.311. These result indicate that the level of plankton diversity in the Lampagee Ujong Pancu area Aceh Besar district is at a medium diversity level.


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How to Cite

Ulva, N., Haya, F. F., Chahnidar, & Mulyadi. (2024). PLANKTON DIVERSITY IN THE LAMPAGEU UJONG PANCU AREA, ACEH BESAR DISTRICT. Proceeding International Conference on Biology, Technology, Science and Education, 1(1), 191–199. Retrieved from