
  • Lina Rahmawati UIN AR-RANIRY Banda Aceh
  • Ulfa Nur UIN AR-RANIRY Banda Aceh
  • Kamaliah UIN AR-RANIRY Banda Aceh


Jeumpa (Magnolia sp.),, Sagu (Metroxylon sagu ),, Growth Parameters,, Liquid Organic Fertilizer Concentration.


Magnolia sp. is often called Jeumpa in Aceh. This plant has been designated as the regional puspa or flora identity of the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, according to Ministry of Home Affairs No. 48 of 1989. This study aims to determine the ability of Jeumpa plants to grow by administering liquid organic fertilizer from Sagu. The experimental design in this study is a Completely Randomized  Design consisting of 6 treatments. The treatments are concentrations of liquid organic fertilizer. Concentrations used are P0: 0% (without liquid organic fertilizer), P1: 10%, P2: 20%, P3: 30%, P4: 40%, and P5: 50%. The measured parameters are the day of growing shoot and the number of shoots. Treatments that give optimal values are P3 and P4, with liquid organic fertilizer rates of 30% and 40%. 


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, L., Nur, U., & Kamaliah. (2024). GROWTH POTENTIAL OF JEUMPA PLANT (Magnolia sp) USING LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Proceeding International Conference on Biology, Technology, Science and Education, 1(1), 154–164. Retrieved from