
  • Fitrah Nabilla UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Salmi UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Nurdin Amin UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh


poaceae family, forest area, basket grass, white grass, kiyuyu gras


Lampageu Ujong Pancu Village Forest Area in Aceh Besar Regency is a habitat rich in biodiversity, including species from the Poaceae family which play an important role in the local ecosystem. The aim of the research is to identify and analyze the distribution of seven grass species, namely basket grass (Oplismerus hirtellus), white grass (Leersia virginica Wild), bebesan (Oplimenus burmanni), grass gerinting (Cynodon dactylon), bone grass (Eleusine indica) and kiyuyu grass (Panicum brevifolium L.). This research was carried out using a descriptive method with observational techniques, namely observing directly in the field to collect data. The research results showed that the seven types of grass were basket grass (Oplismerus hirtellus), white grass (Leersia virginica Wild), bebesan (Oplimenus burmanni), grass gerinting (Cynodon dactylon), bone grass (Eleusine indica), blady grass  (Imperata cylindrica) and kiyuyu grass (Panicum brevifolium L.).  has good adaptation to environmental conditions in the Lampageu Ujong Pancu Village Forest area. The descriptive observasional is effective in identifying and measuring the population and distribution of Poaceae vegetation in the region. This research provides a better understanding of the composition and ecology of Poaceae vegetation, which can be used for future forest conservation and management, as well as the environmental factors that influence it, which can become the basis for more sustainable conservation and environmental management efforts in the area .


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How to Cite

Fitrah Nabilla, Salmi, & Amin, N. (2024). COMPOSITION OF POACEAE FAMILY IN LAMPAGEU VILLAGE FOREST AREA, UJONG PANCU, ACEH BESAR DISTRICT. Proceeding International Conference on Biology, Technology, Science and Education, 1(1), 79–93. Retrieved from