Taṭwīr Kitāb “Matan al-Binā Wa al-Asās” Bi Waraqah al-`Amal (Student Work Sheet) `Alā Bāb aṡ-Ṡulāṡī al-Mujarrad Wa aṡ-Ṡulāṡī al-Mazīd Fī al-Faṣl aṡ-Ṡānī Bi Ma`had at-Taqlīdī Rauḍah al-Ḥikmah al-Waliyah Pango Raya Banda Aceh

بندا آتشيه Pango Raya على باب الثلاثي المجرد والثلاثي المزيد في الفصل الثاني بمعهد التقليدي روضة الحكمة الولية (Student WorkSheet) تطوير كتاب" متن البناء والأساس" بورقة العمل


  • Fadhil Fadhil Ma’had al-Jami’ah UIN Ar-Raniry, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Mukhlisah Mukhlisah Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Aceh, Indonesia




Development, LKS, Matan Bina Wal Asas


The problem in this study is that students are not able to apply the sharf method to identify Fa Fi'il and 'Ain Fi'il and Lam Fi'il in this chapter of the Mujarrad and Tsulasi Mazid and are also unable to identify additional letters in the Tsulasi Mazid chapter and author of the book is not put a distinguishing mark between the original letters and the additional letter in Tsulasi Mazid chapter. The purpose of this study is to find out the steps for developing and effectiveness of the product development of the Book Matan Bina Wal Asas with LKS. The population and sample of this study were all Santri in class 2 in Dayah Raudhatuk Hikmah al-Waliyah in 2018/2019 totaling 57 people. The method used to select samples is a random method. A sample is 30 people. To collect research data using the following tools: Observations, interviews, questionnaires, and T-tests. As for analyzing the data researchers used qualitative and quantitative methods. The result of the study is the analysis of needs, and problems, collecting data, designing a product, revising the product, testing the first product, revising the product, testing the second product, the final revision, and the final product. The product effectiveness of the development of the Book Matan Bina Wal Asas with LKS in the chapter Tsulasi Mujarrad and Tsulasi Mazid in Raudhatul Hikmah Traditional al-Waliyah Pango Raya is a researcher doing statistical calculation whether or not the LKS media are effective? The result of the study shows that the T-count is -9,632 which is smaller than the T-table which is 2,048. So, therefore, accept H0 and reject Ha. Based on the calculation above it can be concluded that the LKS media is effective in learning sharf science.


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How to Cite

Fadhil Fadhil, and Mukhlisah Mukhlisah. 2020. “Taṭwīr Kitāb ‘Matan Al-Binā Wa Al-Asās’ Bi Waraqah Al-`Amal (Student Work Sheet) `Alā Bāb aṡ-Ṡulāṡī Al-Mujarrad Wa aṡ-Ṡulāṡī Al-Mazīd Fī Al-Faṣl aṡ-Ṡānī Bi Ma`had at-Taqlīdī Rauḍah Al-Ḥikmah Al-Waliyah Pango Raya Banda Aceh: بندا آتشيه Pango Raya على باب الثلاثي المجرد والثلاثي المزيد في الفصل الثاني بمعهد التقليدي روضة الحكمة الولية (Student WorkSheet) تطوير كتاب‘ متن البناء والأساس’ بورقة العمل”. EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics 1 (1):1-31. https://doi.org/10.22373/maqalah.v1i1.515.

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