
  • Eva Syarifah Wardah UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Bantan
  • Siti Fauziyah UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
  • Mohamad Rifai


Wawacan Sajarah Haji Mangsur, WHSM, Rekonstruksi Sejarah, Naskah Kuna Banten


This study aims to reconstruct the history of Banten through an analysis of the classic manuscript Wawacan Sajarah Haji Mangsur (WSHM), a neglected yet valuable local source. In the context of the development of epistemology and methodology in historical studies, this research emphasizes the importance of treating local sources seriously as valuable historical resources. Local sources, particularly those of traditional historiography like WSHM, contain a wealth of information that can reveal historical realities often overlooked in foreign sources. The methodological approach of this study involves an in-depth textual analysis of WSHM, focusing on the identification of historical facts, reflections of mental and social realities, and the interpretation of broader historical contexts.

The results of the analysis indicate that WSHM serves not only as a historical narrative but also as a reflection of the historical perspective of the Banten community as a collective subject. Among the key findings is an effort to purify the image of Sultan Haji within WSHM, highlighting the complex political and social dynamics in Banten society at that time. Additionally, WSHM depicts traditions of opposition and resistance to power, as well as the intricate interactions between local communities and foreign forces such as the Dutch. Based on these findings, this research proposes a new interpretation of Banten's history that is more dynamic and inclusive, enriching our understanding of cultural perspectives on power and social dynamics within Banten society. Thus, this study affirms that local sources, particularly WSHM, are crucial for reconstructing the history of Banten and underscores the importance of exploring information from local perspectives to achieve a comprehensive understanding of a region's history.


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