Proceeding of ADIA <p><strong>The Proceedings of ADIA 2024, the Annual International Conference of the Association of Lecturers in Adab Sciences (ADIA),</strong> centered on the theme "Strengthening Digital Humanities in Islamic Civilization, Literature, Culture, and Library Studies." Held by the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, this open-access journal serves as a comprehensive repository of scholarly research and discussions presented at the conference. The journal encompasses a wide range of topics, including digital applications in Islamic civilization, literature, culture, and library studies, reflecting the intersection of technology and traditional disciplines within the Islamic context. With contributions from academics, researchers, and practitioners, the Proceedings of ADIA 2024 provide valuable insights and advancements in the field of digital humanities, contributing to the ongoing dialogue and scholarship in Islamic studies and beyond.</p> en-US (Mr.Nazaruddin) (Akmal) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 20:36:47 +0800 OJS 60 DEVELOPMENT OF WEBBED MODEL-BASED INTEGRATION LEARNING IN IMPROVING ARABIC MASTERY <p>This research aims to determine the conditions for implementing Arabic language learning in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, and wants to try to develop an integrated learning model for the teaching and learning process in the classroom in an effort to improve mastery of Arabic language sciences. The research objects were 60 students from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, semester 1 (one) and semester 3 (three). The research method used in this research was the research and development method. The process carried out in this research is to design and develop an integrated learning model in the field of education, after obtaining descriptions and data from the results of surveys conducted on the objects studied. Based on the reality in the field, it shows that Arabic language learning in the Arabic Language and Literature Department at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities needs to be improved. One way that can be done is to develop an integrated learning model that can combine Arabic language knowledge in the learning process, so that students are expected to be able to master Arabic language knowledge thoroughly. We hope that the results of this research can be used as input for consideration. as an alternative in an effort to develop an integrated learning model in teaching Arabic.</p> Wahyudi Buska, Yogia Prihartini, Nasir Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 READING OF YASIN AROUND AS A TRADITION OF TOLAK BALA IN KELURAHAN PENDANG DISTRICT OF BARITO SOUTH, CENTRAL KALIMANTAN <p><strong>: </strong>Traditions developed not apart from the oldest religions in Indonesia Hindu and Buddhist, so a few traditions or customs around people adopted the cultures of these two religions. As can be seen in Central Kalimantan itself, some traditions, especially Islam, have also largely adopted local culture. The aim of this study is to see and analyze how the tradition of Yasin reading revolves around as a tradition of rejection of balak in Pendang village of South Barito district. As for the method of research used qualitative descriptive with the phenomenological model. With the primary data sources some people or customary figures also some supportive informants that are local communities who have lived earlier in the location. The next step is to analyze the data with several steps: data collection, data verification, and drawing a conclusion. This study shows that the tradition of Yasin's reading around exists from previous generations. The traditions of reading Yasin around as one way to keep the village or village feelings safe, peaceful, avoided from disasters and carried out in one year. It is also understandable that the tradition of reading Yasin, where Yasin is a part of the Qur'an and is coupled with the Burdah reading containing prayers to the Prophet read in turn. The tradition has two dimensions, first the theological (sacred) and social (classification, rite and solidarity) dimensions between citizens/societies.</p> Desi Erawati, Eko Wahyudi, Nor Faridatunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE IMPORTANCE OF UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS FOR PTKI AS LIBRARY PARTNERS IN PRESERVING ISLAMIC HERITAGE <p>As pioneers of university museums among PTKI, the UIN Banda Aceh and UIN Malang Museums act as important library partners, especially in preserving Islamic heritage. This research aims to find out the role of university museums as library partners in preserving and studying the identity of the academic community regarding Islamic cultural heritage based on the perspective of the academic community of UIN Malang and Banda Aceh. By using a qualitative approach and phenomenological methods, interviews and observations are the main data collection techniques. Research findings show that as Islamic heritage preservation institutions, both the UIN Banda Aceh and UIN Malang museums not only preserve various tangible and intangible academic heritage of higher education, but also Islamic and Indonesian heritage from time to time. Meanwhile, as institutions for studying the identity of Islamic heritage, these two museums facilitate both the academic community and the off-campus community in carrying out object-based learning. The findings of this research can be an inspiration for other UINs to develop university museums, therefore support is needed from the Ministry of Religion and UIN, both in the form of conducive policies and financial support.</p> Pungki Purnomo Copyright (c) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXISTENCE, EXPECTATION, AND INTERFERENCE: A CORPUS STYLISTICS STUDY OF WORD CLUSTERS IN JANE AUSTEN’S WORKS <p>The study examines the thematic and stylistic elements in Jane Austen’s novels by examining the word clusters. The computational analysis using AntConc concordance software focuses on finding the recurring bi-grams and tri-grams that potentially explain Austen’s narrative style. The finding of the study suggests that word clusters like “to be”, “it would be,” and “could not be” are key features in Austen’s narrative technique to portray the existence, expectations, and interference women encountered within patriarchal society during the era. This corpus stylistics approach helps confirm the significance of Austen’s writings in understanding the societal construct in the era and provides quantitative evidence to support traditional literary analysis.</p> Suhandoko Copyright (c) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 MANHAJ AL-SAMARAI AD-DALALI FII AT-TA'BIR AL-QUR'ANI <p><strong>مستخلص</strong> - تظهر عدة مناهج في البحث الدلالي للكشف عن معاني تعبير القرآن الكريم ومعرفة أساليبه الفذة، واجتهد المحدثون من علماء الدلالة اجتهادات لإنضاج الفكر الدلالي والارتقاء به إلى أعلى مستويات الرقي العقلي وذلك بتطوير وسائل الكشف عن وجوه معاني التعبير القرآني وتنويع اتجاهات البحث فيه. ويركز هذا البحث على دراسة منهج السامرائي في الدلالة ويقوم بدراسة آراء السامرائي في الدلالة دراسة منهجية تقوم على البيان والتوضيح والمقارنة بآراء اللغويين، للوقوف على منهجه وما امتاز به عن غيره من اللغويين في عرضه وتوجيهه. فقد قام الباحث في هذا البحث من خلال البحث النوعي بخصائص وصفية تحليلية، وهذا البحث من الجنس البحث المكتبي بقراءة مؤلفات السامرائي في الدلالة قراءة متأنية باستخراج أبرز معالم منهجه في الدلالة مع ذكر شواهد من مقولاته من خلال كتبه المؤلفة. وتشير نتيجة البحث إلى أهم ما توصل إليه الباحث أن السامرائي يقسّم الدلالة إلى أربعة أقسام، وهي الدلالة القطعية والاحتمالية والظاهرة والباطنة. ويتمسك بأصول الاحتجاج كالسماع والإجماع والقياس في الدلالة، ويسعى إلى الاجتهاد، ويعتمد على السياق. ويسعى هذا البحث إلى تطوير وتنمية مجال البحث الدلالي؛ لأن البحث الدلالي يساعد تمكن إتقان اللغة العربية وتذوق&nbsp; لغة القرآن الكريم وأساليبها الفذة، ودلالاتها العميقة. فظهور المذاهب واختلاف الآراء والتيارات الفكرية في العلوم الشرعية يرجع إلى كيفية فهم معاني ودلالات الألفاظ والتراكيب في القرآن الكريم. والبحث الدلالي مجال واسع ولا يزال مفتوحًا للجميع.</p> <p>الكلمات المفتاحية: <em>الدلالة؛ فاضل السامرائي؛ التحليل الدلالي.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRAK – </em></strong><em>Beberapa metode muncul dalam penelitian semantik untuk menyingkap makna bahasa Al-Qur’an dan mengkaji diksinya yang unik. Para pakar semantik moderen telah mengerahkan segala upaya untuk mematangkan pemikiran semantik dan mengangkatnya ke tingkat kecanggihan penalaran yang paling tinggi dengan mengembangkan cara menyingkap aspek makna bahasa Al-Qur'an dan mendiversifikasi arah penelitian yang tepat. Penelitian ini fokus mempelajari dan mengkaji pendekatan semantik Al-Samurrai secara sistematis, jelas, selektif, klarifikatif, dan komparatif dengan pendapat para ahli bahasa untuk memahami metodenya dan apa yang membedakannya dari pakar bahasa yang lain dalam pemaparan dan pandangannya. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan karakteristik deskriptif dan analitis.</em> <em>Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan dengan membaca secara cermat karya-karya Al-Samurrai tentang semantik, mengekstraksi ciri-ciri yang paling menonjol dari pendekatannya terhadap semantik, sambil menyebutkan bukti-bukti dari perkataannya melalui tulisannya.</em> <em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan terpenting peneliti yaitu Al-Samurrai membagi semantik menjadi empat bagian, yaitu semantik qath'iyah (pasti), ihtimaliyah (probabilistik), dzahirah (semu), dan bathinah (tersembunyi).</em> <em>Al-Samurrai menganut prinsip argumentasi seperti sima' (pendengaran langsung), konsensus, dan analogi dalam semantik, </em><em>memiliki kemampuan berijtihad dan berpegang pada konteks. Penelitian ini berupaya mengembangkan penelitian bidang semantik Sebuah penelitian yang dapat membatu penguasaan bahasa Arab, pendalaman bahasa dan diksi al-Qur'an al-Karim yang unik serta konotasinya yang dalam. Munculnya aneka mazhab, perbedaan pendapat dan arus pemikiran di dalam ilmu syariat mengacu pada cara memahami makna kata dan struktur kalimat al-Qur'an al-Karim. Penelitian semantik merupakan bidang penelitian yang luas dan masih terbuka untuk semua. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><em> Semantik; Fadhel al-Samurrai; Analisis Sematik.</em></p> Baso Pallawagau, Sherif Muhammad Alsadiq, Khaerun Nisa Nuur Copyright (c) WAWACAN SAJARAH HAJI MANGSUR: HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION THROUGH ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS OF BANTEN <p>This study aims to reconstruct the history of Banten through an analysis of the classic manuscript Wawacan Sajarah Haji Mangsur (WSHM), a neglected yet valuable local source. In the context of the development of epistemology and methodology in historical studies, this research emphasizes the importance of treating local sources seriously as valuable historical resources. Local sources, particularly those of traditional historiography like WSHM, contain a wealth of information that can reveal historical realities often overlooked in foreign sources. The methodological approach of this study involves an in-depth textual analysis of WSHM, focusing on the identification of historical facts, reflections of mental and social realities, and the interpretation of broader historical contexts.</p> <p>The results of the analysis indicate that WSHM serves not only as a historical narrative but also as a reflection of the historical perspective of the Banten community as a collective subject. Among the key findings is an effort to purify the image of Sultan Haji within WSHM, highlighting the complex political and social dynamics in Banten society at that time. Additionally, WSHM depicts traditions of opposition and resistance to power, as well as the intricate interactions between local communities and foreign forces such as the Dutch. Based on these findings, this research proposes a new interpretation of Banten's history that is more dynamic and inclusive, enriching our understanding of cultural perspectives on power and social dynamics within Banten society. Thus, this study affirms that local sources, particularly WSHM, are crucial for reconstructing the history of Banten and underscores the importance of exploring information from local perspectives to achieve a comprehensive understanding of a region's history.</p> Eva Syarifah Wardah, Siti Fauziyah, Mohamad Rifai Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Phenomenon of Historical Facts Through Literary Works: The Factors Behind the Fall of Andalusia from Ar-Rundi's Perspective <p>Literary works are the products of a writer's imagination expressed through the medium of language. They are derived from the phenomena observed by the writer within their societal context, serving as evidence of a community's life. In 1492, the Islamic kingdom of Andalusia faced defeat at the hands of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. This event has been recounted by prominent historians and writers. One such Andalusian writer, Abu Al-Baqa’ Ar-Rundi, describes the phenomena occurring within Andalusian society that contributed to the fall of a state that had been in power for eight centuries in his poetry.</p> <p>This study aims to reveal the causes of the defeat and collapse of Andalusia from Ar-Rundi's perspective, as expressed in his work, Nuniyyatu Ar-Rundi. The researcher employs a historical method with a literary criticism approach, seeking to uncover the historical factors leading to the fall of Andalusia by interpreting the verses of Ar-Rundi's Nuniyyah. The findings indicate that the factors contributing to the collapse of Andalusia, according to Ar-Rundi's perspective, are: 1) Complacency in luxury, 2) Abandonment of jihad, and 3) Disintegration of the Muslim community.</p> Ade Hafis, Anshar Zulhelmi, Sumardi Sumardi, Rahil Maghfirah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE EARTH CHARITY TRADITION OF FARMERS IN BALARAJA TANGERANG REGENCY <p><em>The Earth Charity Tradition is a cultural ceremony or tradition as an expression of gratitude to God Almighty for the blessings He has provided in the form of agricultural produce. In Balaraja, Tangerang Regency, the community of farmers has a tradition they perform every harvest season, called the Earth Charity Tradition (Sedekah Bumi). This tradition is carried out after the harvest, and nearly the entire community participates in celebrating the Earth Charity. The purpose of this study is to explore the history of Sedekah Bumi in Balaraja, to understand the sequence of the tradition, and to uncover the meaning behind its practice. In Balaraja, the Sedekah Bumi tradition is held near the irrigation gates of the rice fields. The community gathers there, bringing offerings of rice tumpeng (cone-shaped rice) and various side dishes. The leader of the Sedekah Bumi ceremony is usually a local religious leader or community figure. This leader will guide the participants in reading prayers.</em></p> <p><em>Tradisi Sedekah Bumi adalah upacara adat atau tradisi sebagai rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rezeki kepada manusia dalam bentuk hasil bumi. Pada masyarakat di Balaraja Kabupaten Tangerang, warga yang bekerja sebagai petani memiliki tradisi yang biasa mereka lakukan setiap panen, nama tradisinya yaitu tradisi Sedekah Bumi. Tradisi Sedekah Bumi dilakukan setelah panen, pada tradisi sedekah bumi hampir seluruh masyarakat yang ada di dalamnya terlibat dalam merayakan sedekah bumi</em><em>. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Sejarah sedekah bumi di Balaraja, mengetahui rangkaian tradisi, dan ingin mengetahui makna yang terkandung dalam pelakasanaanya. </em><em>Di Balaraja pelaksanaan Tradisi Sedekah Bumi ini dilakukan di dekat pintu air sawah. Masyarakat berkumpul disana dengan membawa hasil bumi mereka berupa nasi tumpeng dan lauk pauk. Lalu pemimpin dari tradisi Sedekah Bumi ini adalah dari seorang ustadz atau tokoh masyarakat setempat. Kemudian seorang pemimpin ini yang akan memimpin membaca doa</em></p> <p> </p> Muhamad Nandang Sunandar, Jainul Abidin, Zaenal Abidin, Ali Amran Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 NAVIGATING THE DUALITY: THE CULTURAL DYNAMICS OF FATHERHOOD IN TURNING RED <p>Turning Red offers a complex portrait of a Chinese-Canadian family enduring generational and cultural conflicts. Through textual analysis and consideration of cultural contexts, this research aims to illuminate the complexities of fatherhood in a multicultural household. The father, Jin, has a big impact on the family dynamic even though the mother-daughter’s bond is the main focus of the movie. This study examines the cultural dynamics of Jin's parenthood by examining the tension he faces in balancing his support for his daughter's emotional needs with the expectations of conventional Chinese masculinity. By examining Jin's interactions with family, the research explores how his parenting style reflects cultural norms surrounding fatherhood. By applying the type of parenting and its relationship with Asian parenting style, this research tries to examines whether his approach act as a counterpoint to mother's stricter methods. This research also examines whether this parenting style represent a conscious effort to break the cycle of authoritarian parenting often seen in Chinese families.&nbsp; Furthermore, the research considers how Jin's portrayal reflects the reality of father involvement within Asian cultures.&nbsp; This research employs textual analysis as the primary method where the writer conducted of specific scenes in Turning Red focusing on Jin's interactions with Mei and Ming. Dialogue, body language, and visual cues will be analyzed to understand his role within the family dynamic. This research uses concepts of cultural expectations of fatherhood, multicultural families and shifting family dynamics. The finding shows that Jin's behavior aligns or subverts traditional notion. Jin navigates the complexities of raising a child in a bicultural household and Jin's parenting style interacts with Ming's approach, creating a unique dynamic within the family. These findings contribute to a broader understanding of how cultural norms and personal choices shape parenting styles, particularly within the context of animated films.</p> Rahmat Fajar, Rosalinda Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Library as a Pillar of Enlightenment in the Context of Islamic Moderation <p><strong>ABSTRACT – </strong>The role of libraries in shaping Islamic moderation is becoming increasingly important in this complex contemporary era. This article explores the key role of libraries as pillars of enlightenment in encouraging moderation in the context of the Islamic religion. Through related literature and case studies, this article highlights how libraries are not only a repository of knowledge, but also a center for learning and dialogue between religious communities. The library facilitates access to various sources of knowledge, including classical and contemporary texts, which help strengthen a broader understanding of moderate Islamic teachings. By facilitating discussion, debate and research, libraries help the public to understand and internalize the values of moderation in Islam. This article also underscores the need for collaboration between libraries, religious institutions, and civil society to ensure that the role of libraries in promoting Islamic moderation is strengthened and expanded. Thus, this article strengthens the idea that the library is not only a place to store books, but also a place of salvation for the values of moderation in the Islamic context.</p> Saenal Abidin, Touku Umar, Andi Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 REENACTING SUKARNO’S AJI PANCASONA IN LEARNING HISTORY <p><span lang="EN-US">This article focuses on the functional dimension of studying history, especially in universities. History education should enable students not only to understand past events methodically but more so that they are able to read critically and even be actively involved in the current history in their own time. This study uses Sukarno’s writing, Mentjapai Indonesia Merdeka, as an inspiration as well as a transformative pattern in the contemporary study of history. The pragmatic analysis is used to approach that goal. The most important lesson from his historical learning is the prophetic integration he carried out with the three dimensions of human existential time: past, present, and future. Knowledge of both archived history <em>(sejarah terarsip)</em> and hidden history <em>(sejarah terpendam)</em> can be contextualized to live progressively in the on-making history <em>(sejarah bergerak)</em> and imagined history <em>(sejarah terbayang).</em></span></p> Nyong Eka Teguh Iman Santosa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sun, 07 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ARABIC TONGUE TWISTERS : GAME UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA BAHASA ARAB BAGI PEMBELAJAR PEMULA <p>Permainan Bahasa merupakan bentuk inovasi pembelajaran dalam mengajarkan bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Arab bagi pembelajar pemula. Dengan adanya permainan bahasa akan menjadikan proses pembelajaran bahasa menjadi menyenangkan sehingga pembelajar akan mudah meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi proses penunjang pembelajaran Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Arab menggunakan media permainan atau game yang mengasyikkan dan menyenangkan.</p> <p>Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Arabic Tongue Twisters bisa menjadi salah satu jenis permainan yang bisa diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menirukan kalimat-kalimat yang memiliki kemiripan bunyi serta pelafalan kosa kata bahasa Arab yang akhirnya bisa menambah kelancaran dan pengucapan bahasa Arab. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif melalui metode studi pustaka. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Arabic Tongue Twisters bisa diterapkan dengan mudah dan efektif untuk menunjang pembelajaran Kemampuan berbicara khususnya dalam pelafalan kosa kata yang memiliki kemiripan bunyi.</p> <p>Game Arbic Tongue Twister ini sangatlah efektif dan mudah untuk diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas maupun di luar kelas. Penelitian ini juga memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan permainan-permainan yang bisa diterapkan untuk menunjang kemampuan mendengar dan berbicara dalam bahasa Arab bagi para pengajar ataupun instruktur dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab.</p> <p><strong><em>– </em></strong><em>Language games are a form of learning innovation in teaching foreign languages, especially Arabic for beginner learners. With the language game will make the language learning process becomes fun so that learners will easily improve </em><em>their language skills.</em></p> <p><em>This study aims to explore the process of supporting learning the ability to speak Arabic using the media game or games that </em><em>are exciting and fun.</em></p> <p><em>This study explains that Arabic Tongue Twisters can be one type of game that can be applied to improve the ability to imitate </em><em>sentences that have similar sounds and pronunciation of Arabic vocabulary which can ultimately increase the fluency and </em><em>pronunciation of Arabic.</em></p> <p><em>The research method uses descriptive qualitative approach through literature study method. The results of</em><em> this study indicate that Arabic Tongue Twisters can be applied easily and effectively to support the learning of speaking skills, especially in the pronunciation of vocabulary that has a similar sound.</em></p> <p><em>Arbic Tongue Twister</em><em> Game is very effective and easy to implement in the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom.</em></p> <p><em>This study also contributes to the development of games that can be applied to support the ability to hear and speak in Arabic for teachers or instructors in Arabic learning.</em></p> Khoirul Huda, Khoirurrijal Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sun, 07 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 BUSINESS IN THE 9th CENTURY: AL-JAHIZ'S IDEAS IN THE BOOK AT-TABSIRAH BI AT-TIJARAH <p><em>This research explores the economic theories and concepts presented in the book At-Tabshrah bi at-Tijarah (Vision of Trade) by the prominent Mu’tazilah thinker Amr bin Bahr al-Jahiz (d. 868 CE). This paper states that al-Jahiz was the first Muslim thinker to use the term tijarah (business) in a dedicated work. The book provides insight into several economic phenomena that were the subject of debate during al-Jahiz’s lifetime. It also offers a comprehensive overview of the economic theories and concepts that were prevalent at the time, including those espoused by the Persians, the Ajam, and the Arabs. This paper uses a qualitative approach to examine the theories presented in at-Tabshirah. Other books that address similar themes are also consulted to facilitate comparison and enrichment of the study. In addition, figures and scholars who also discussed similar matters after al-Jahiz are considered. To emphasize the originality of al-Jahiz’s economic theory, this paper presents modern economic theories whose principles are in line with al-Jahiz’s economic thought. The book at-Tabshirah not only demonstrates the originality of Muslim economic theory, which developed several decades later but also offers an intriguing perspective on the economic and business phenomena that were of concern at that time.</em></p> Fika Hidayani, Gumilar Irfanullah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Sun, 07 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXPLORING ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES IN TRANSLATING PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS: A STUDY OF ARABIC VERB PATTERNS <p>Pada era 5.0, Bahasa memegang peran yang sangat penting, terutama dalam pembelajaran dan penerjemahan Bahasa Arab. Salah satu metode pembelajaran Bahasa yang digunakan adalah metode gramatikal terjemah, yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah penerjemahan dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Arab, termasuk dalam hal penerjemahan kalimat pasif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan beberapa tipe verba Bahasa Arab di mana subjeknya tidak berperan sebagai aktor (agen), yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam metode penerjemahan kalimat pasif dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Arab. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui metode simak catat, dari berbagai sumber seperti Al-Qur'an, hadis Nabi, kamus, majalah, dan koran berbahasa Arab. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode padan dan metode agih (distribusional) dengan berbagai teknik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sembilan tipe verba Bahasa Arab yang subjeknya dapat dianggap sebagai tipe verba non-pelaku (tan-aktor/non-agen) yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam penerjemahan. Kesembilan tipe tersebut adalah: (1) tipe fu'ila, (2) tipe fa'ila, (3) tipe ?af'ala, (4) tipe infa'ala, (5) tipe ifta'ala, (6) tipe istaf'ala, (7) tipe tafaa'ala, (8) tipe tafa’’ala, dan (9) tipe tafa’lala. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang alternatif dalam penerjemahan kalimat pasif, serta memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang struktur Bahasa Arab.</p> Dayudin Dayudin, Yadi Mardiansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Digital Footprint: Exploring Historical Awareness in the Digital Age <p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><em> Being in the digital era now has brought huge changes to the various sectors. This has a very important impact on human life. These changes also impact the knowledge sector. Especially to explore insight into the history of generation Z (gen Z). This article tries to explore historical awareness through digital platforms such as YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, Websites and Blogs. This article is presented using a descriptive-qualitative approach based on field research/in-depth interviews. The research results show the high interest and awareness of Gen Z people in following historical content based on digital content to gain deeper insight into their experiences and views. </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: History, Digital, Gen Z </em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Berada di era digital sekarang telah membawa perubahan yang sangat besar pada berbagai sektor. Ini memiliki arti yang sangat penting dampaknya terhadap kehidupan manusia. Perubahan ini juga berdampak pada sektor pengetahuan. Terutama untuk menggali wawasan sejarah generasi Z(gen Z). Artikel ini mencoba menggali kesadaran sejarah melalui konten konten digital seperti Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Situs Web dan Blog. Artikel ini disajikan dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif berbasis penelitian lapangan/wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingginya minat dan kesadaran masyarakat Gen Z dalam mengikuti konten konten sejarah berbasis digital untuk menambah wawasan yang lebih dalam tentang pengalaman dan pandangan mereka.</p> <p>Kata kunci: Sejarah, Digital, Gen Z</p> Muhammad Arif Arif, Muhammad Husni, Awal Rafi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HARMONY AND BALANCE: HISTORICAL, CULTURAL AND ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES IN CIREBON’S LIFE <p>This research aims to build a paradigm of Harmonious Life and Balance through the reconstruction and reactualization of Wasatiyyah values in the life of the Cirebon community in the 18th century. An interdisciplinary approach through the combination of historical, cultural, and Islamic perspectives is used to highlight changes in the values and identity of the Cirebon community amid the dynamics of the 18th century and how Wasatiyyah values can provide a deeper understanding of the transformation. Historical sources, cultural artifacts, and classical Islamic works related to Cirebon in the 18th century are critically selected to reveal the changes and continuity of Wasatiyyah values in the context of history and community life. The main contribution of this article lies in the reconstruction of Wasatiyyah values as the foundation of Cirebon community life during this period through findings involving the identification of the roles of key figures, religious practices, and manifestations of Wasatiyyah values in art, customs, and social interactions. This contribution can have an impact on forming a better understanding of the dynamics of society and the sustainability of Wasatiyyah values in the historical and cultural context of Cirebon.</p> Anwar Nuris, Hasbiyallah, Abdul Basit Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Role of Digital Libraries in Preserving Islamic Heritage <p>In this modern era, it requires us as people who are feeling the era to follow a series of modernity with technology as the main role, as well as libraries. Library must be synonymous with writing. History records that the beginning of authorship was divided into several periods which eventually created a room or place to store these writings called the library. Along with the times, especially now that libraries are experiencing developments with the existence of digital libraries to make it easier for readers to explore information for their needs. The purpose of this article is to describe the movement of literature especially related to the Islamic world from print to digital form, as well as the importance of digital Islamic libraries in preserving Islamic heritage. Research uses literature studies to obtain data from books, journals, and scientific publications that have been published</p> Heri Setiawan, Amung Ahmad Syahir Muharam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DAMPAK PAMERAN PEKAN KEBUDAYAAN ACEH (PKA) ke-8 TERHADAP LITERASI BUDAYA PELAJAR PROVINSI ACEH <p><strong>Abstrack</strong> - Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) merupakan ajang perhelatan kebudayaan terbesar masyarakat Provinsi Aceh yang dilaksanakan setiap 5 tahun sekali. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dampak pameran Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) ke-8 terhadap literasi budaya pelajar di Provinsi Aceh. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan regresi linier sederhana. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Taman Sulthanah Shafiatuddin pada saat Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) ke-8 berlangsung pada tanggal 8-14 November 2023 dengan sampel yang berjumlah 96 siswa SMA yang mengunjungi Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) ke-8. Penggunaan sampel menggunakan rumus lemeshow yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik pengelolaan data menggunakan rumus regresi linier sederhana dengan program SPSS Versi 25. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi linier, diperoleh hasil persamaan regresi Y = 7,659 + 0,267 X. Konstanta mempunyai nilai sebesar 7,659 yang artinya apabila variabel pameran Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) konstan, maka peningkatan literasi budaya sebesar 7,659. Pameran Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (X) sebesar 0,267 yang artinya apabila mengalami kenaikan sebesar 1 satuan maka akan meningkatkan Literasi budaya siswa sebesar 0,267. Hasil uji signifikan menunjukkan nilai 0,000 &lt; 0,05. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa diterima sehingga adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara pameran Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh terhadap literasi budaya pelajar Provinsi Aceh. Koefisien determinasi (R Square) diperoleh sebesar 0,259 yang berarti bahwa dampak variabel X (Pameran Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh) terhadap variabel Y (Literasi Budaya Pelajar) adalah 25%, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Literasi budaya, Pameran, Pekan Kebudayaan,</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Abstrack</em></strong><em> - The Aceh Cultural Week (PKA) is the largest cultural event held by the people of Aceh Province, which takes place every five years. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the 8th Aceh Cultural Week (PKA) exhibition on cultural literacy among students in Aceh Province. This research method utilizes a quantitative approach with simple linear regression. The research was conducted at Taman Sulthanah Shafiatuddin during the 8th Aceh Cultural Week (PKA) held from November 8th to 14th, 2023, with a sample size of 96 high school students who visited the 8th Aceh Cultural Week (PKA). Sampling was done using the Lemeshow formula with purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques included questionnaires and documentation. Data management utilized simple linear regression formula with SPSS Version 25 program. Based on the results of the linear regression test, the regression equation is obtained as Y = 7.659 + 0.267 X. The constant has a value of 7.659, indicating that when the Aceh Cultural Week exhibition variable (X) is constant, cultural literacy increases by 7.659. The Aceh Cultural Week exhibition variable (X) is 0.267, meaning that an increase of 1 unit will increase student cultural literacy by 0.267. The significant test result shows a value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, indicating acceptance and significant influence of the Aceh Cultural Week exhibition on student cultural literacy in Aceh Province. The coefficient of determination (R Square) is obtained as 0.259, meaning that the impact of variable X (Aceh Cultural Week Exhibition) on variable Y (Student Cultural Literacy) is 25%, while the rest is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Cultural Literacy, Cultural Week, Exhibition.</em></p> Cut Putroe Yuliana, Viona Febiola Bakkara, Nurhayati Ali Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 KOLABORASI GURU DAN PUSTAKAWAN DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PERPUSTAKAAN DI PERPUSTAKAAN SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 69 BANDA ACEH <p>Skripsi ini bertajuk "Kolaborasi Guru dan Pustakawan dalam Proses Pembelajaran Berbasis Perpustakaan di Perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar Negeri 69 Banda Aceh". Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bentuk kolaborasi antara guru dan pustakawan dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis perpustakaan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 69 Banda Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 15 informan yang terdiri dari pustakawan, 4 guru, dan 10 siswa/i. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi kolaborasi antara guru dan pustakawan dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis perpustakaan. Bentuk kolaborasi yang terwujud meliputi Cooperative Learning, Inquiry-Discovery Learning, dan Problem Based Learning. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh guru dan pustakawan meliputi ketidaknyamanan siswa, kekurangan sumber daya manusia, koleksi yang tidak terkini, serta ruang perpustakaan yang kurang luas dan menarik. Sebagai solusi, guru dan pustakawan mengajak siswa untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam menyampaikan hasil pembelajaran, dan guru melakukan upaya untuk membuat perpustakaan lebih menarik dengan membuat himbauan belajar atau media pembelajaran yang kreatif, sehingga pembelajaran berbasis perpustakaan dapat berjalan dengan lancar.</p> Indri Aulia, Nurhayati Ali Hasan, Nurrahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PERJUANGAN TOKOH UTAMA DALAM FILM “FARHA” KARYA DARIN J. SALLAM (KAJIAN KRITIK SASTRA FEMINIS) <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk perjuangan dan kegigihan tokoh utama perempuan dalam film farha untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya, bagaimana bentuk perjuangan tokoh utama dalam menghadapi stigma masyarakat terhadap pernikahan, serta bagaimana bentuk perlawanan (resistensi) terhadap hal tersebut.&nbsp; Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Objek kajian pada penelitian ini adalah film Farha (2021)&nbsp; Adapun data primer penelitian ini adalah film “farha” dalam bentuk dialog (tuturan tokoh) dan adegan tanpa dialog yang diperoleh dengan menyimak film secara berulang dan menuliskan data-data penting yang berhubungan dengan pendekatan feminisme. Sedangkan data sekundernya berupa data-data lain yang diperoleh dari buku, artikel, jurnal dan berbagai sumber referensi lainnya.. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak catat dan studi kepustakaan, serta dianalisis menggunakan cara mengidentifikasi, mengklasifakasi, dan menarik kesimpulan.&nbsp; Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa representasi feminisme dalam film ini digambarkan melalui karakter utama Farha yang mampu berpikir secara kritis dan rasional, berani, dan kegigihannya dalam melanjutkan pendidikan, dimana terdapat ketimpangan gender yang dirasakan oleh tokoh utama perempuan terutama dalam hal pendidikan, kemudian bentuk streotip yang berkembang pada masyarakat di desa mengenai pernikahan serta perlawanan tokoh utama ketika menghadapi hambatan&nbsp; berupa persetujuan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke kota karena keinginan ayahnya untuk menikahkannya</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research aims to describe the form of struggle and persistence of the main female character in the film Farha to continue her education, the form of struggle of the main character in facing society's stigma against marriage, and what form of resistance there is to this. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method using a feminist literary criticism approach. The object of study in this research is the film Farha (2021). The primary data for this research is the film "Farha" in the form of dialogue (character speech) and scenes without dialogue obtained by watching the film repeatedly and writing down important data related to the feminist approach. . Meanwhile, secondary data consists of other data obtained from books, articles, journals and various other reference sources. Data collection in this research used note-taking and literature study techniques, and was analyzed using identification, classification and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the representation of feminism in this film is depicted through the main character Farha who is able to think critically and rationally, is brave, and persistent in continuing her education, where there is gender inequality felt by the female main character, especially in terms of education. </em><em>then the stereotypes that develop in rural communities regarding marriage and the main character's resistance when facing obstacles in the form of agreeing to continue his education in the city because of his father's desire to marry his daughter off.</em></p> Namira Ramadhani, Nurchalis, Emi Suhemi, Chairunnisa Ahsana Amalan Shaliha, Suraiya Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 RITUALS OF REVERENCE: UNRAVELING THE MYSTIQUE OF SACRED WATER IN INDONESIAN RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS <p>This study investigates the profound significance and enduring enigma surrounding the sacred water rites practiced at two emblematic religious sites in Indonesia: the Great Mosque of Old Banten, and Avalokitesvara Vihara. Situated within the rich tapestry of Indonesian religious traditions, these sites serve as focal points for spiritual devotion and cultural expression. Drawing upon a multifaceted methodological approach encompassing participant observation, historical analysis, and ethnographic research, complemented by in-depth interviews with religious leaders, scholars, and practitioners, this research unveils the intricate layers of meaning embedded within the sacred water rituals. It traces the historical evolution of these rites, elucidating their cultural origins and contextual significance within the broader framework of Indonesian religious heritage. The findings of this study illuminate the multifunctional nature of sacred water within religious ceremonies, serving as a symbol of purification, healing, and spiritual communion across diverse religious communities. Moreover, the research reveals how these rituals facilitate interfaith dialogue and foster cultural syncretism, promoting mutual understanding and harmony among believers of different faith traditions. In light of these insights, the study underscores the imperative of comprehending the sociocultural dynamics shaping religious practices in Indonesia. It highlights the complex interplay between Islamic and Buddhist traditions, exemplified by the coexistence of sacred water rites within the precincts of Avalokitesvara Vihara and The Great Mosque of Old Banten. Furthermore, the research underscores the pivotal role of these sacred sites in nurturing religious tolerance and facilitating cross-cultural interaction in Indonesian society. By offering a nuanced analysis of the intersection between spirituality, culture, and religion, this study advances scholarly understanding of religious syncretism and diversity in Indonesia. It underscores the enduring relevance of sacred water rituals in fostering spiritual well-being, communal solidarity, and cultural resilience in contemporary society.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>Keywords</strong>: Sacred Water, the Great Mosque of Old Banten, Avalokitesvara Vihara, Religious Tourism, Religious Tolerance</p> Sholahuddin Alayubi, Ursa Agniya, Khaira Nazla Al Naquib Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PROSES ALIH MEDIA NASKAH KUNO DAN PEMANFAATANNYA MELALUI APLIKASI IPUSTAKA ACEH DI DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPAN ACEH <p>Naskah kuno telah dianggap sebagai warisan budaya indonesia yang paling menarik karena naskah kuno merupakan kekayaan budaya bangsa yang sudah berumur 50 tahunan dan rentan mengalami kerusakan, Sehingga Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Aceh berupaya untuk melestarikan naskah kuno dalam bentuk alih media digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses alih media naskah kuno di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Aceh dan pemanfaatannya melalui aplikasi IPustaka Aceh. Adapun metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskripstif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 2 lokasi penelitian yaitu Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Aceh dan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara terstruktur dengan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel melalui kriteria tertentu seperti 10 orang Mahasiswa Prodi Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam yang menggunakan aplikasi IPustaka Aceh dan telah mengambil mata kuliah kajian naskah pada semester 5 dan 6 serta staff khusus bagian alih media naskah kuno. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses alih media naskah kuno telah dilaksanakan secara maksimal dengan alat-alat seadanya yang tersedia di DPKA sesuai dengan standart operasional yang ditetapkan. Tahap alih media naskah kuno antara lain, mengumpulkan koleksi, mengidentifikasi kategori naskah kuno dan proses digitalisasi dengan alat scanner, pembuatan metadata melalui aplikasi Ipustaka Aceh, penyediaan akses deskripsi koleksi, dan pengelolaan informasi digital. Sedangkan hasil alih media naskah kuno melalui Ipustaka Aceh belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh mahasiswa Prodi SKI angkatan 2020 dan 2021. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil wawancara masih banyak mahasiswa Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam yang kurang tertarik dengan pernaskahan. Oleh karena itu, disarankan pihak DPKA dapat memaksimalkan proses alih media naskah kuno dengan alat-alat yang memadai dan mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan ketertarikannya terhadap pernaskahan.</p> Andini Syahputri Dini, Nazaruddin Musa, Asnawi, Asnawi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES OF YEMENI ARAB DESCENDANTS AT PASAR REBO PURWAKARTA, WEST JAVA INDONESIA IN COMUNICATION INTERPERSONAL (1885-1900) <p>Literary Notes The Existence of the Yemeni Arab Village is a community of people of Yemeni Arab descent located at Pasar Rebo Purwakarta which is located in Nagri Kidul Village. The existence of people of Yemeni Arab descent existed before the 19th century, precisely in the 20th century, Yemeni Arab migration increased to Indonesia. After the arrival of these Yemeni Arab descendants to Purwakarta, they opened a village and they began to develop in Purwakarta, apart from trade, they also carried out Islamic syi'ar and fostered the Yemeni Arabs through marriage with other indigenous people from Pasar Rebo. Purwakarta. Then Arab descendants began to develop in Pasar Rebo Purwakarta and began to mingle with the native population. The aim of this research is to determine the history and contribution of people of Yemeni Arab descent in Pasar Rebo Purwakarta in the 20th to 21st centuries. This research uses historical research methods through four stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The research results show that residents of Yemeni Arab descent have existed since 1900 at Pasar Rebo, Purwakarta. The contributions of Yemeni Arab citizens include the fields of da'wah, economics and education. The missionary sector of Yemeni Arab citizens built the Ar-Raudlah mosque or known as the Arab mosque and held recitations on Wednesday nights. In the economic sector, residents of Yemeni Arab descent established a market called Pasar Rebo. Pasar Rebo has become a source of life for the residents of Pasar Rebo itself, both outside Pasar Rebo residents. In the field of education, people of Yemeni Arab descent established a school called Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah which is very important for Yemeni Arab descendants and the community around Pasar Rebo. Madrasas also help poor people to study at these schools for free. Currently Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah is the favorite Islamic school and most of its students are of non-Yemeni Arab descent.</p> Ahmad Abas Musofa, Wahyu Iryana, MB Mustofa, Refileli, Arum Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 RELASI MITOS PANTUN MUNDING JALINGAN DENGAN PRAKTIK BERTANI DI MASYARAKAT ADAT CIPTAGELAR <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Tradisi pantun dalam kebudayaan masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar sudah berlangung sejak awal mula masyarakat ini ada yakni pada masa Kerajaan Padjadjaran sekitar abad ke-15. Pantun terekam dalam ingatan masyarakat Ciptagelar dan berperan dalam berbagai bentuk kegiatan penting terutama dalam tradisi bertani padi seperti ngaseuk (menanam padi di huma), mipit (memanen), dan seren taun (pesta panen dan tahun baru). Pantun tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai media rekam kehidupan, namun juga menjadi rujukan tata-nilai bagi masyarakat Ciptagelar. Kosmologi bahkan mitos-mitos yang ada di dalam pantun merupakan relasi penting dengan tradisi bertani tersebut. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pantun masih diperdengarkan dengan tingkat kesakralan yang masih dipertahankan. Misalnya dalam tradisi seren taun pembacaan Pantun <em>Munding Jalingan</em> menjadi pokok yang harus dilakukan oleh pemangku adat sebagai syarat panen berlangsung. Sehingga pantun sebagai bentuk sastra lisan di masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar memiliki derajat yang penting baik dari segi estetika maupun etika.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Pantun has been part of the culture of the traditional community of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dating back to the establishment of this community during the Kingdom of Pajajaran around the 15 th Century. Pantun is documented in the memory of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Community and has played a significant role in the important events of community such as during the planting of the rice, the harvesting, and the celebration of the harvest and New Year. Pantun does not only function as a medium in documenting life of, but also the reference of values for the community of Ciptagelar. Cosmology and myths of pantun is the important relation with the tradition of harvest. In this reseach, it was found that the rhymes of pantun are still played with a level sacredness. For example, in the Seren Taun tradition, reading the Pantun Munding Jalingan is the main thing that must be done by traditional leaders as a condition for the harvest. So pantun as a form of oral literature in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar has an important both from an aesthetic and ethical perspective.</em></p> Bunyamin Faisal Syarifudin, Andang Saehu Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LEVERAGING CORPUS LINGUISTICS FOR EFFECTIVE ARABIC VOCABULARY LEARNING <p>This paper explores the potential of corpus-based approaches in enhancing Arabic language learning, particularly in the acquisition of vocabulary. By leveraging the power of corpus linguistics, this paper aims to develop a more effective and efficient method for Arabic language instruction. This research focuses on the utilization of a large-scale corpus of Arabic texts to identify patterns and trends in vocabulary usage, shedding light on the most common and relevant words in the language. This corpus-based approach has the potential to revolutionize the way Arabic is taught, moving beyond traditional rote memorization and towards a more nuanced understanding of the language. By analyzing the corpus, we can uncover the underlying structures and relationships between words, providing learners with a more comprehensive and contextualized understanding of the language. The implications of this research are significant, offering a new paradigm for Arabic language instruction that is grounded in empirical evidence and informed by the latest advances in corpus linguistics.</p> Kamal Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANURADHA ROY'S ALL THE LIVES WE NEVER LIVED; UNVEILING MARITAL ENTRAPMENT IN COLONIZED INDIA <p>Abstract</p> <p>The present study examined the grand issue of marital entrapment in colonial period India through the lens of Anuradha Roy's All the Lives We Never Live. The study employed Simone de Beauvoir's existentialism to analyze societal norms, gender dynamics, and power structure prevalent during colonial era, contextualizing the experiences of the protagonist within this framework. Harriet Taylor's concept of celebrating rationality in marriage also utilized to analyze Roy's narrative strategies and character development. The paper explores how Gayatri's story sheds light on the complexities of marriage and personal agency in a historical setting marked by colonialism and patriarchal dominance. By engaging with themes of identity, autonomy, and societal expectations, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the intersection between personal lives and historical forces in colonial India.</p> <p>Keywords; marital entrapment, existentialism, colonialism and patriarchal dominance</p> Agry Pramita, Rohanda Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYSIS OF PERSONAL BRANDING IN VIRTUAL WORLD THROUGH LANGUAGE <p><strong>ABSTRACT-</strong> This research’s main purpose is to find the construction of identity social media users in the virtual world through language according to Goffman theory. The researchers use qualitative methods, which in the process the researchers observing a social media account followed by analyzing based on the theory. In this research, there are several steps required collecting data from social media, analyzing the data that shows personal identities, and through personal branding that they create with language, for example, such as bio on social media, special terms that characterize them, caption, and also content. Our study revealed that language can be a tool of personal branding by creating and expressing new social identity through the words or phrases they use to communicate with society.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Keyword:</strong> Personal Branding; Virtual World; Language; Self-Identity.</p> Endratno Pilih Swasono, Kamillah Ariqoh Kaltsum, Rahma Dila Nurlaili Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TRADISI PELANGKAH: SEBAGAI ADAT PERKAWINAN MASYARAKAT MUSLIM KOTAWARINGIN TIMUR <p>Penelitian ini mengungkap praktik pernikahan berupa tradisi masyarakat Muslim Banjar dalam menyikapi anak-anaknya yang akan menikah, namun yang mendapatkan jodoh adalah anak kedua atau anak bungsu mendahului kakak perempuannya, maka dalam tradisinya dikenal yang namanya pelangkah karena melewati jodoh pernikahan kakaknya, konsekunsi dari hal tersebut sang adik memberikan sebuah barang atau berupa uang akibat terjadinya kasus pelangkahan bisa dikatakan sebagi denda karena berani mendahului kakaknya. Sebagai saudara tua, mereka tidak hanya menjadi panutan yang bijak tetapi juga memberikan petuah kepada adik calon mempelai melalui prosesi ini. Tradisi langkahan bertujuan agar calon pengantin (adik) dapat memohon restu atau izin kepada kakak sebelum melangsungkan pernikahan. Ini merupakan tindakan kasih sayang yang ditunjukkan oleh sang kakak kepada adiknya.. Dengan memberikan izin dan berkenan, kakak menyatakan bahwa mereka mendoakan kebahagiaan calon mempelai (adik) yang akan menikah lebih dulu. Hal ini menunjukkan kedermawanan jiwa sang kakak yang rela jika adiknya menikah sebelum mereka, karena keyakinan bahwa jodoh adalah rahasia Tuhan. Selain itu, tradisi langkahan juga menjadi contoh bagi kerabat lain bahwa dalam keluarga tersebut tumbuh suasana saling mengasihi, menyayangi, dan menghormati satu sama lain</p> Muhammad Husni Husni, Ali Sibram Malisi, Muhammad Iqbal, Sopariyah, Rabiatul Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HERMENEUTIKA SEBAGAI PENDEKATAN ALTERNATIF DAN PERLUASAN ILMU TAFSIR PARA PEMIKIR MUSLIM <p><strong>Abstract </strong>- This article aims to discuss the role of hermeneutics as an alternative and expansion in the field of interpretation among Muslim scholars. The discussion begins by explaining the difference between two common approaches in interpreting the Qur'an, namely exegesis based on the Qur'an's own explanation (tafsir bi al-ma'thu&gt;r) and exegesis based on the interpreter's own reasoning (tafsir bi al-ra'yi). Furthermore, the article elucidates the history and development of hermeneutics from a Western perspective and how this concept is applied in contemporary Islamic thought by thinkers such as Hassan Hanafi, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Syahrur, and Fazlur Rahman. Hermeneutics in the context of modern Islamic thought considers the contextualization of the Qur'anic text and interpretations that take into account the relationship between the text, the reader, and the historical context. Hermeneutics aids in understanding the sacred text with a more contextual approach to interpretation and enables the development of deeper understanding in different historical contexts.</p> Haris Shofiyuddin, Novia Adibatus Shofah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 FROM ZERO TO HERO: THE HISTORY OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (1299-1566 AD) <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong> – This research investigates the origins of the Ottoman Empire from the time they wandered from their homeland to the establishment of the empire, which eventually expanded across Asia, Africa, and Europe. The dynamics that led to its transformation into a major and influential empire over an extended period are of particular interest. This study is a literature review that utilizes a qualitative descriptive method with a historical approach, comprising four steps: heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The findings indicate that the Turks originated from Central Asia. They migrated in search of a better life, free from Mongol disruptions and terror. During their lengthy journey, they lost their supreme leader, Sulaiman, who drowned in the suddenly swelling Euphrates River as they were crossing it, leading to the tribe splitting into two groups. The first group, led by Sankurtakin and Kun-Togdai, the first and second sons of Sulaiman, did not continue the journey but returned to their homeland. Meanwhile, the second group, led by Erthogrol and Dandan, the third and fourth sons of Sulaiman, continued their journey to Turkistan and eventually reached Anatolia. It was this second group that later transformed into the Ottoman Empire.</p> Imam Ibnu Hajar Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PERAN MAJALAH AL LISAAN, AL MAWAIDZ, DAN BERITA NAHDLATOEL OELAMA DALAM PEMBERITAAN PERDEBATAN KEAGAMAAN NAHDLATUL ULAMA DENGAN PERSATUAN ISLAM DI JAWA BARAT 1930-1940 <p><em>The idea of islamic reformation appeared in the middle east in the nineteenth century spread throughout the Netherlands Indie. The islamic society in the Netherlands Indie accepted this idea with two different characters and cristalize into the creation of variety of Islamic organizations. There is an organization symbolizing themselves as the reformers like Muhammadiyah and Persis, while there is also an organization sustaining the old tradition and neglect the idea of reformation, like Nahdatul Ulama and Al-Itthadiyatul Islamiyyah. In many areas, like west Java, these two big organizations oftenly clash each other in terms of idealism. To observe how the form of this idea clash between these two organizations from reformation and traditionalist, the author uitilize the historical methodology to research this topic which includes; heuristics, critics, interpretation and historiography. From the research, it can be seen from historical facts that this clash is in the open debate in general forums and being informed in many national news. Along 1920 to the end of 1930, there are massive numbers of argumentation debate from the islamic figures which is mentioned within the islamic magazines like Al-Lisaan, Al-Mawaidz, Berita Nahdlatoel Oelama and others. Therefore, the existance of this magazine is necessary, and the research over the historical researches can reveal the value of humanity related to the diversity and the debate which can be accepted in an elegant way.</em></p> Agung Purnama Agung, Fajriudin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LOVE AS PORTRAYED IN MADELINE MILLER'S NOVEL "CIRCE" <p>This research discusses Circe’s love as portrayed in Madeline Miller’s novel which takes theme in the ancient Greek mythology. The objective of this research is to find out the types of love portrayed between Odysseus and Circe. The methodology applied in this research is qualitative. The source of the data is Madeline Miller’s novel “Circe” which published by Little, Brown and Company in 2018. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Robert J. Sternberg theory about the triangle of love. The result of this research shows that there is a presence of intimacy and passion without the commitment component. The relationship between Odysseus and Circe is dominated by the intimacy component, forming closeness and attachment. Meanwhile, the passion component indicates physical attraction and the existence of a sexual relationship.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>intimacy, love, circe, passion, novel</em></p> Sandra Dewi Dahlan, Nusmawati, Nahdiyah, Nahdiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DYSPHEMISM USED IN SELECED EPISODES OF SOUTH PARK ANIMATED SERIES SEASON 1 (1997) <p>Dysphemism is an expression that involves the deliberate selection of words or phrases that are offensive, derogatory, vulgar, aimed to emphasize negativity, showing disapproval, or simply to display intimacy, which perfectly portrayed in this animated series. South Park animated series brings the ordinary, extraordinary, and peculiar plots, ranging about daily incidents until supernatural theme. This animated series challenged mainstream media by displaying offensive and strong language used by the characters throughout the series. The purposes of this research are; First, to identify the types of dysphemism. Second, investigate the motives of dysphemism. Third, discover the most dominant type and motive of dysphemism. The researchers employed the theories from Allan and Burridge (1991) to analyze the types and motives presented in these episodes. This research was conducted in qualitative research. The researchers used technique of documentation to collect the data and employed content analysis technique to analyze the data. The results are; First, there are seven types of dysphemism identified in the selected episodes; (a) Profanity, (b) Dysphemistic epithets, (c) Euphemistic dysphemism, (d) Dysphemistic euphemism, (e) “-ist” dysphemism, (f) Dysphemism in forms of naming and addressing, (g) Verbal play. Second, there are four underlying motives of dysphemism; (a) Fear and distaste, (b) Hatred and contempt, (c) Desire to offensively demonstrate such feelings and to downgrade the denotatum, (d) Amuse an audience. Third, the most dominant type of these episodes is profanity, which identified in 40 occurrences, and the most dominant motive is the desire to offensively demonstrate such feelings and to downgrade the denotatum, identified within 84 occurrences.</p> Diana Rozelin, Putri Ayu Lestari, Shofa Aisya Nuthqi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE ROLE OF STATE 1 SPECIAL SCHOOL’S LIBRARY OF JAMBI CITY IN DEVELOPING INTEREST IN READING BRAILLE COLLECTIONS <p><strong>ABSTRACT – </strong><em>This study aims to determine the role, obstacles and strategies of the State 1 Special School’s library of Jambi City in developing interest in reading the braille collection. The method used in the study was qualitative with a descriptive approach, the data analysis methods encompassed data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The informants were selected through purposive sampling. The results obtained through research findings can be concluded that the the State 1 Special School’s library of Jambi City has conducted proper efforts in developing interest in reading braille collections for visually-impaired students. The roles of the library included providing an adequate collection of textbooks and braille supporting books for visually-impaired students. The library has also implemented programs to develop interest in reading in the library, including carrying out mandatory 15 minute library visits once a month by collaborating with teachers and the library manager, implementing school literacy movements in the library and actively carrying out promotions to the classes about the importance of reading in the library</em></p> Athiatul Haqqi, Nasrul Latif, Muhammad Rum, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 AL-HIKMAH WA DALALATIHA FII QISHAH "KHABAT NAR NAFSI" LI IMAM SHAFI'I <p>This article aims to identify the judgments and their connotations in the poem ‘Khabat Nar Nafsi’ by Imam Shafi'i. The research method used by the researcher is the descriptive-analytical method, where the researcher describes and analyses the semantics of the judgments in the poem in a semantic study from the perspective of Ahmed Mukhtar Omar. The results obtained by the researcher are: (1) Piety from the connotation of: Met. (2) The virtues of righteousness from the connotation of: Zakat al-Jah and Zakat al-Mal. (3) Winning affection and wooing hearts from the connotation of: Zakat al-Jah and Zakat al-Mal: (4) Beware of arrogance from the indication of: Fakhra: Fakhra. (5) The reality of the world and the struggle in it from the indication of: Taste and flavour, vanity and falsehood, impossible carrion. (6) Knowledge and faith from the indication: Fascinated, closed doors, loosened veil.</p> <p><em>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Hikmah dan Semantiknya dalam puisi “Khabat Nar Nafsi” karya Imam Syafi'i. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode deskriptif-analitis, di mana peneliti mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis semantik Hikmah dalam puisi tersebut dalam studi semantik dari perspektif Ahmad Mukhtar Umar. Hasil yang didapatkan oleh peneliti adalah: (1) Ketakwaan dari segi konotasi: Bertemu. (2) Keutamaan kebenaran dari konotasi: Zakat al-Jah dan Zakat al-Mal. (3) Memenangkan kasih sayang dan merayu hati dari konotasi: Zakat al-Jah dan Zakat al-Mal: (4) Mewaspadai kesombongan dari makna: Fakhra: Fakhra. (5) Realitas dunia dan perjuangan di dalamnya dari indikasi: Rasa dan aroma, kesia-siaan dan kepalsuan, bangkai yang mustahil. (6) Pengetahuan dan iman dari indikasi: Terpesona, pintu tertutup, tabir yang longgar.</em></p> Zulkhairi Sofyan, Abd Razak, Aiyub Berdan, Hijratun Nafis, Muhammad Ali Hisbullah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE FIRE DISASTER MITIGATION AT ARCHIVES AND LIBRARY OFFICE IN JAMBI CITY <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The purpose of this study was to determine disaster mitigation, the inhibiting factors for the implementation of disaster mitigation, and the supporting factors for the implementation of disaster mitigation at the Archives and Libraries Office of Jambi City. This research uses a type of qualitative research, a descriptive research approach with data collection methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The way to determine the subject by purposive sampling is by taking a sample technique with characters that are in accordance with the research objectives. The results of the research show that disaster mitigation at the Jambi City Archives and Library Service only carries out structural mitigation, namely by making warning signs that no smoking is allowed, having Roll O Pack cabinets made of fireproof iron to secure important collections, scanners to transfer media collections in physical form. to digital form, and has a door made of fireproof steel for the archive storage room. Meanwhile, for non-structural mitigation, the Jambi City Archives and Library Service has no regulations from the government regarding fire disaster mitigation and has not yet created a fire disaster mitigation guideline and policy. Factors that become obstacles to the Jambi City Archives and Libraries Office in carrying out mitigation in dealing with fire disasters are budget, human resources and fire fighting equipment. Supporting factors to overcome obstacles to disaster mitigation in dealing with fire disasters in the Jambi City Archives and Library Service are employee awareness and passive protection system.</p> </div> </div> </div> Masyrisal Miliani Lian, Anazmi Hayatullah, Fridinanti Yusufhin, Yasir Riady Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TRADISI PERKAWINAN MASYARAKAT MUSLIM DALAM UPACARA ADAT SUKU MBOJO DESA RUPE KECAMATAN LANGGUDU KABUPATEN BIMA (1028 H/1618 M) <p><em>The wedding traditions of the Bima people are characteristic of the Bima people, especially in terms of holding weddings, traditional wedding clothes, and activities carried out by the Bima people. Bima wedding traditions are usually dominated by philosophy, religious aspects, the spirit of mutual cooperation and beauty. In addition, the Bima tribe's customary law considers marriage to be a relationship between two families other than husband and wife. Islamic and cultural values in implementing marriage traditions are the marriage traditions of the Mbojo tribe community in the Langgudu District, Rupe Village and the customs of this community are unique because they are included in the government structure of the Bima Kingdom or Sultanate. This ceremony combines them into one feeling, creating kinship, kinship and neighborliness. Because they blend together and complement each other, this cultural mixture continues to exist and is difficult to separate. Community life is greatly influenced by how Islamic culture interacts with local culture. As a cultural space colored by Islam, the ultimate goal is to obtain documents as sacred Islam with local nuances. This is achieved through the interpretation of social organizations that work together with the general public to create a unique Islam, namely an Islam that highly respects customs.</em></p> <p><em>Tradisi pernikahan masyarakat Bima merupakan ciri khas masyarakat Bima, terutama dalam hal melangsungkan pernikahan, pakaian adat pernikahan, dan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Bima. Tradisi pernikahan Bima biasanya didominasi oleh filosofi, aspek religius, semangat gotong royong, dan keindahan. Selain itu, hukum adat suku Bima menganggap perkawinan sebagai hubungan antara dua keluarga selain hubungan suami istri. Nilai-nilai Islam dan budaya dalam pelaksanaan tradisi perkawinan ialah adanya tradisi perkawinan masyarakat suku mbojo di wilayah Kecamatan Langgudu Desa Rupe serta adat istiadat masyarakat ini unik karena termasuk dalam struktur pemerintahan Kerajaan atau Kesultanan Bima. Upacara ini menggabungkan mereka menjadi satu rasa, menciptakan kekerabatan, kekeluargaan, dan bertetangga. Karena mereka menyatu dan saling melengkapi satu sama lain, campuran budaya ini terus ada dan susah untuk dipisahkan. Kehidupan masyarakat sangat dipengaruhi oleh bagaimana budaya Islam berinteraksi dengan budaya lokal. Sebagai ruang budaya yang diwarnai oleh Islam, tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk mendapatkan berkas sebagai Islam sakral yang bernuansa lokal. Ini dicapai melalui interpretasi organisasi sosial yang bekerja sama dengan masyarakat umum untuk mewujudkan Islam yang unik, yaitu Islam yang sangat menghargai adat istiadat.</em></p> M. Ali Sibram Malisi Malisi, Muhammad Sufyan Ardawi, Suryanti, Selvia Santi, Muhammad Husni Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMLEK MUSLIM (REKONSTRUKSI MAKNA BUDAYA DALAM KOMUNITAS MUSLIM TIONGHOA MAKASSAR) <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Imlek adalah perayaan pergantian tahun baru bagi masyarakat Tionghoa. Berdasarkan kalender Tionghoa, Imlek 2575 dimulai pada pada 10 Pebruari 2024 yang dilambangkan dengan Shio Naga (Naga Kayu). Perayaan Imlek tidak hanya diikuti oleh masyarakat Tionghoa yang nir-Islam tetapi juga muslim Tionghoa. Pada kelompok muslim Tionghoa, perayaan imlek memiliki makna sendiri yang berbeda dengan masyarakat Tionghoa nir-Islam. Makalah ini membahas tentang peringatan Imlek di kalangan Muslim Tionghoa Makassar, makna dan proses negoisasi budaya imlek bagi muslim Tionghoa. Bagi masyarakat Tionghoa yang nir-Islam, imlek diyakini adalah bagian dari ritual agama Konghucu, Tao atau Budha yang merupakan agama nenek moyang orang Tionghoa. Oleh karenanya mereka melakukan beberapa kegiatan untuk menyambutnya seperti sembahyang di vihara Girinaga, berkumpul bersama keluarga sambil makan, menampilkan tarian Barongsai, memberikan Ang Pao. Sedangkan bagi muslim Tionghoa Makassar, Imlek hanya dimaknai sebagai budaya yang tidak boleh tertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Oleh karenanya mereka merekonstruksi imlek melalui konformitas budaya, memaknainya sebagai perekat sosial, peneguhan identitas, dan media dakwah dalam memperkenalkan Islam. Rekonstruksi makna Imlek di kalangan muslim Tionghoa Makassar terjadi melalui proses negosiasi budaya secara evolutif yang diperankan oleh Persatuan Tionghoa Muslim Indonesia (PITI) organisasi yang mewadahi para muslim Tionghoa, muballig yang secara intens memberikan pemahaman tentang Islam dan masyarakat Makassar yang mendukung proses tersebut.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: Imlek, Rekonstruksi, Budaya, Muslim Tionghoa&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Nurkhalis A. Ghaffar, Marwati Marwati, Asriyah Asriyah, Anwar Abd. Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HISTORY AS “LEISURE PURSUIT”: THE APPEARANCE OF HISTORY ON SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE ERODED OF PROFESSIONAL HISTORIANS IN THE DIGITAL ERA <p>Shifts in technology, theory, and access make the past possible for anyone to reach. Those without training as historians can and do access “the past” often ingeniously without being too attached to “historian skills and historical methods.” Technological improvements, funding changes, institutional changes and political intervention have all impacted sales and past packaging and presentation. Professional historians are no longer the only parties with the authority to convey the "true" past to the public. In this way, the boundaries between professional historians and other parties who access the past become increasingly blurred. Increasingly open access to various social media platforms means that everyone has the same right to reach out to the past and retell it. This article explores the presentation of history in mediums that professional historians generally ignore. Placing history as part of popular culture leads to the understanding that the way the public experiences history has changed. Therefore, how we sell, present, and convey history has changed. While professional historians are busy with themselves and with various theoretical debates, the public seems to be starting to regard history as a leisure pursuit. The public seems to be more interested in history presented more interactively and lightly by famous historians via social media rather than complicated history in history books written thoughtfully by professional historians.</p> Angga Pusaka Hidayat, HS Suhaedi, Achmad Maftuh Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SITUS WEB KEPUSTAKAAN KEAGAMAAN: JEMBATAN PENGETAHUAN ANTAR-KEPERCAYAAN DI INDONESIA <p>This study aims to formulate and map the roles and strategic values of the Religious Library Website and Religious Literacy Center as platforms for interfaith information in Indonesia. This research seeks to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the significance and impact of these websites, as well as the efforts made by their administrators to disseminate information that transcends religious boundaries. Additionally, this research explores the role of the Religious Literacy Center as a paradigm in managing the wealth of religious literature from various denominations of belief. The research focus is directed toward a specific sample, Pusat Literasi Keagamaan (PUSLIKA) or Religious Literacy Center located at the Regional Library of Banten. The research method employed is online observation of the Religious Library Website <a href=""><em></em></a>, where various aspects of the website are analyzed and expanded upon. The available information includes six religious categories, religious figures, and religious celebrations. The findings of the research indicate that this website can serve as a model for other libraries, including the Regional Library, to implement online dissemination of religious information. The main findings of this research affirm that understanding religious diversity can be enhanced through religious literacy, one of which can be obtained through access to the Religious Library Website and Religious Literacy Center. Visitors to the website and the library have extensive access to explore various literature from diverse religions with the aim of promoting mutual respect for religious diversity. As a medium for information dissemination, libraries play a crucial role in facilitating religious understanding through textual media, which in turn contributes to the development of a multicultural society in Indonesia.</p> Verry Mardiyanto, Ursa Agniya, Salwa Putri Maharani Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TAHLIL PSIKOLOGIYAH IJTIMA'IYAH ERIK ERIKSON 'AN SYAKHSHIYAH AR-RAISIYAH "ZAIN AL-RAFI'I" FII FILM "CAPERNAUM" LI NADINE LABAKI <p>هذه الرسالة العلمية تبحث عن الحالة النفسية وتطور الشخصية الرئيسية "زين الرافعي" في فيلم "كفرناحوم". أما المحتويات في هذا الفلم توصف شخصية "زين الرافعي" طفلا بالغا 12 سنة من عمره، يعيش بشدة الجهد لحاياته السهولة وبها يمر وينمو بتطور شخصيته الرئيسية، و عند إريك إريكسون، كان شخصية الإنسان تنقسم إلى مراحل، منها : الثقة والاستقلالية والمبادرة والصناعة.</p> <p>هذه الرسالة تستخدم بحثا مكتبيا خلالَ جمع البيانات الرئيسية باستخدام الملاحظة الدقيقة والتوثيق حول فيلم "كفرناحوم"، ومن ثم أن تحليلها باستخدام تحليل المحتويا مع توحيد المراحل والتصنيف. ومن نتائج هذا البحث أن الشخصية الرئيسية ل"زين الرافعي" تمر بتطور الشخصية في أربعة مراحل وهي: 1. شخصية الثقة. 2. طابعة الإستقلالية. 3. شخصية المبادرة، و4. الشخصية الإنتاجية</p> Ahdiyat Mahendra, Nadira Nurul Fattiya, Muhammad Yusuf, Sri Sudiarti, Budi Sanjaya Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DINAMIKA PENDIDIKAN PEREMPUAN SEBERANG KOTA JAMBI <p>Artikel ini membahas tentang "Sejarah Pendidikan Perempuan di Seberang Kota Jambi tahun 1951-1985. Artikel ini terlebih dahulu menjelaskan tentang sejarah pendidikan di Seberang Kota Jambi. Tujuan Artikel ini yaitu untuk melihat bagaimana keadaan pendidikan perempuan di tengah pandangan ulama Seberang yang tidak mengizinkan pendidikan formal bagi perempuan. Artikel ini menggunakan metode Artikel kualitatif dengan pendekatan sejarah. Metode Sejarah terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu Heuristik, Verifikasi, Interprestasi dan Historiografi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, sejarah lisan dan dokumentasi. Hasil Artikel ini menyajikan sebuah narasi bahwa lembaga pendidikan di Seberang Kota Jambi sudah ada sejak terdapat alumni dari Mekah yang kemudian membuat sebuah komunitas yaitu Tsamaratul Insan. Selanjutnya para alumni Makkah membangun empat madrasah, yaitu madrasah Nurul Iman (1915), Madrasah Sa'adatuddarain (1915), Madrasah Nurul Islam (1922) dan madrasah Al-Jauharain (1927). Sejak saat itu, Seberang Kota Jambi dikenal sebagai pusat pendidikan Provinsi Jambi. Namun dari keempat madrasah ini tidak mengizinkan pendidikan formal bagi perempuan, sebab pandangan para ulama yang tidak membolehkan perempuan keluar rumah kecuali dengan mahromya. Pada akhirnya pendidikan formal bagi perempuan muncul yang dipelopori oleh KH. Abdul Qodir dengan mendirikan sekolah formal bagi perempuan di Pondok Pesantren As'ad pada tahun 1969. Kemudian dampak pendidikan perempuan bagi masyarakat Seberang yaitu perempuan-perempuan Seberang yang sudah berpendidikan berkontribusi dalam kegiatan masyarakat dan dampak minat orang tua pun juga semakin banyak untuk menyekolahkan anak-anak perempuan mereka di sekolah formal.</p> Mina Zahara, Dian Mursyidah, Rahyu Zami, Hendra Gunawan, Ismail Fahri, Alif Puji Rohayu Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ARSITEKTUR ISLAM DALAM KONSTRUKSI MEDIA ONLINE KOMPAS: KAJIAN ARKEOLOGI <p>Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kajian arkeologi yang bersifat publik, belum banyak di teliti, ini dibuktikam dengan ditemukannya tema-tema arkeologi Islam di media <em>online</em>. Tema-tema arkeologi Islam seperti masjid kuno yang merupakan tinggalan Islam, dan sudah banyak di temukan di Indonesia. Mesjid kuno dalam kajian arkeologi, dilihat dari arsitektur masjid kuno. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat arsitektur Islam didalam media Kompas. Untuk membuktikan tulisan ini secara ilmiah dan holistik, digunakan logika kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan dan dokumentasi intensif, dengan pendekatan deskriptif <em>conten analisis</em>. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan deskriptif <em>conten analisis</em> mencoba menjelaskan apa adanya berita <em>online</em> harus sampai ketahap eksplanasi. Karena itulah, dalam tulisan ini dibahas tentang data berita arsitektur Islam di media <em>online</em> Kompas dari tahun 2017 sampai 2023; tata ruang dan hias arsitektur Islam di dalam media <em>online</em> Kompas; fungsi dan makna arsitektur Islam dalam media <em>online</em> Kompas.</p> Benny Agusti Putra, Dian Mursyidah, Irpan Jumaidi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 KRITIK SASTRA DENGAN PENDEKATAN PRAGMATIK PADA NOVEL BANAT AL-RIYADH (GADIS-GADIS RIYADH) ” KARYA RAJA ALSANEA <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstract;</strong></p> <p>Literature is a form of writing that possesses the beauty of meaning, captivating its readers or listeners. Within literary works, there are hidden messages about religious teachings that can serve as examples. To analyze a piece of literature deeply, a specific discipline called literary criticism (Naqd Adab) is required. Literary criticism is a branch of knowledge that examines literature meticulously. In this study, the author focuses on the novel "Banat al Riyadh" (Girls of Riyadh) using a pragmatic approach. The pragmatic approach is a method that evaluates literary works as tools to convey specific purposes to readers, such as political, moral, educational, religious, and others. This research is a literature review using a qualitative descriptive method. The result of the study is that the novel "Banat al Riyadh" (Girls of Riyadh) by Raja Alsanea tells the story of the friendship of four Riyadh girls and their romantic relationships with Arab men hindered by freedom. Additionally, this novel contains values that we can learn from, such as religious, moral, and social values, among others.</p> <p><strong>Abstrak ;</strong></p> <p>Sastra adalah sebuah bentuk tulisan yang memiliki keindahan makna, mempesona bagi pembaca atau pendengarnya. Di dalam karya sastra, tersembunyi pesan-pesan tentang ajaran agama yang bisa dijadikan contoh. Untuk menganalisis sebuah karya sastra secara mendalam, diperlukan suatu disiplin ilmu khusus yang disebut kritik sastra (Naqd Adab). Kritik sastra adalah cabang ilmu yang memeriksa sastra dengan teliti. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis memusatkan perhatian pada novel "Banat al Riyadh" (Gadis-Gadis Riyadh) dengan menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik. Pendekatan pragmatik adalah suatu metode yang menilai bahwa karya sastra merupakan alat untuk menyampaikan tujuan tertentu kepada pembacanya, seperti tujuan politik, moral, pendidikan, agama, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka yang menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.. Hasil penelitian adalah Novel Banat Al-Riyadh (Gadis-Gadis Riyadh) ” Karya Raja Alsanea menceritakan tentang persahabatan empat gadis riyadh dan juga hubungan percintaan mereka dengan laki-laki arab yang terhalang oleh kebebasan. Disamping itu, didalam novel ini terdapat nilai-nilai yang dapat kita jadikan pelajaran hidup seperti nilai agama, nilai moral, nilai sosial dan lain-lain.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sodikin Alwi, Dilla Puspita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TAHLIL AL-MAKHTOTHAT MUHAMMAD HASYIM BIN 'ABDURRAHMAN (DIRASAH FII 'ILMU TAHQIQ AN-NUSHUS <p>هذا البحث يبحث عن المخطوطات العرريبة التى كتبها محمد هاشم بن عبد الرحمن في عام 19 م. عثر على هذه المخطوطات في قرية جيلمو، Seberang مدينة جامبي من قبل حسين بن سيوتي، وهي الآن في متحف Siginjei. ففي هذه المخطوطات اراد الباحث فى كشف العديد من الأخطاء والأضرار بسبب عمر المخطوطات نفسها القديمة. مثل أخطاء الكتابة وتلاشي الحروف بسبب التلاشي. أحد الأمثلة على الخطأ في كتابته هو"<u>واىتحج </u>البيت" الذي يجب كتابته "وتحج البيت". وأما الخطاء يسمى <em>peculiar error</em> لأنه هذا الخطأ واضح جدا. مما سيؤدي إلى تغيير المعنى.</p> <p>المنهج المستخدم على هذا البحث دراسة مكتبية هي سلسلة من الأنشطة المتعلقة بأساليب جمع بيانات المكتبة، قراءة وتدوين الملاحظات ومعالجة البحث. ثم استخدم البحث مصادر الكتابة للحصول على بيانات البحث. في هذا البحث، اٌستخدم تحليل المحتوى أيضا لوصف نهج تحليل محدد. فإن هذا البحث مهم للغاية بالنظر إلى حاجة المجتمع إلى مراجع يمكن استخدامها كمقبض في الممارسة الدينية اليومية</p> Sri Sudiarti, Musytiratul Fadhliyyah, Ahdiyat Mahendra, Izzat M Daud, Musokhkhihul Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 REALITAS SEJARAH BUDAYA ACEH DALAM PENGUATAN PERADABAN MELAYU <p><em>Budaya Aceh memegang peranan strategis dalam pengembangan budaya Melayu, karena dalam sejarahnya dari Aceh rupanya Islam tersebar ke wilayah-wilayah lain di Nusantara. Begitu juga mazhab, aliran pemikiran dan tarekat serta bahasa Melayu sendiri&nbsp; memiliki andil dan akarnya dari Aceh.&nbsp; Bahasa Melayu misalnya, eksis sebagai bahasa tulis-menulis atau ilmu pengetahuan berfungsi secara menakjubkan. Para ulama sejak abad ke-15 M dan sesudahnya mayoritas menggunakan bahasa Melayu. Mereka seperti Hamzah al-Fansuri, Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani, Nuruddin al-Raniri dan Abdurrauf al-Singkili. Mereka&nbsp; adalah&nbsp; para penulis produktif di Aceh, telah menyejarah dengan karya-karya monumentalnya, yang dapat dibaca sampai hari ini tersimpan sejumlah perpustakaan-mesium di Nusantara</em></p> Misri A Muchsin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 FEMINISM: A DISCURSIVE ANALYSIS OF THE WESTERN AND ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES <p>This paper focuses on the discourses of multiculturalism, Western feminism, the turban movement, and the possibility of Islamic feminism. The method&nbsp; used in this paper is non-textually-oriented discourse analysis. The paper builds upon the grounds that Islam has much earlier liberated the rights of women. The Qur’an itself is egalitarian. However, it is the West that has generally misunderstood Islam due to their lack of knowledge, ignorance, and misperception between actual Islam and the Arab culture. Having reviewed the argumentative discourses on those themes from a number of voices: philosophers, critical theorists, and feminists from both the Western and Islamic perspectives, the paper concludes with general remarks that feminism and Islam can be reconciled as long as these issues are treated according to the positive Islamic ethics, mutual respect, and fair practices of freedom.</p> Mustafa A. Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN FLORENCE WELCH’S POETRY ANTHOLOGY USELESS MAGIC <p>Figurative language is an expression refers to language that conveys more than one meaning. This research discussed the figurative language in poetry anthology “useless magic” by Florence Welch. This study aimed to the types of figurative language and the functions of figurative language founds in poetry anthology “Useless Magic” by Florence Welch. This study used types figurative language theory by Perrine. This study used qualitative methods. The researcher founds nine types of figurative language in poetry anthology “Useless Magic”. They are metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, hyperbole, symbol, paradox, allegory, and irony. Simile, metonymy, hyperbole and symbol is the most common form of figurative language in selected poems. Research findings are presented in 13 extracts function based on Perrine’s theory, they are conceptual, imaginative pleasure, additional imagery, emotional intensity and means of concentration. The researchers conclude that figurative language must be studied to find out the hidden meaning contained in the poetry.</p> Nasrum Nasrum, Nurulhilma Ramadani, Barsihannor Barsihannor, Nahdhiyah Nahdhiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EKSPRESI BATIN DALAM SYAIR “TADHÎQU BINÀ AL-ARDH” KARYA MAHMOUD DARWISH (KAJIAN EKSPRESIVISME) <p><strong>ABSTRACT - </strong>This research was conducted with the aim of revealing the personality background and life of an author through his literary works. The background of the author's personality and life is seen to help provide an explanation of the author's inner expression in the creation of his literary work. Mahmoud Darwish is an Arab poet from Palestine. He is also an activist who speaks out about Palestine in the form of poetry and has produced many poems on the themes of identity, exile, love and resistance. One of Mahmoud Darwish's poems is <em>"Tadhîqu Binà Al-Ardh"</em>, this poem tells about resistance and survival which is full of suffering and sadness. Through the expressivism approach initiated by M.H. Abrams, who focuses his study on the expression of the author's feelings, thoughts or temperament which is carried out in this research so that it can reveal the inner expression of the author contained in literary works, especially in the poem <em>"Tadhîqu Binà Al-Ardh"</em> by Mahmoud Darwish. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method using written data contained in the poem<em> "Tadhîqu Binà Al-Ardh"</em> by Mahmoud Darwish which shows the expression of the author's inner world in the poem. This research data was collected using note-taking and literature study techniques, and analyzed by identifying, clarifying, analyzing and drawing conclusions. The conclusions contained in this research show that there is an inner expression of the writer in his literary work which reflects the feelings of sadness and oppression felt by the writer. Mahmoud Darwish uses symbolic and imaginative language to express his inner feelings in his poetry. Based on the result of the analysis of the characteristics of expressivism, there are four stages ini this research, namely: <em>first</em>, analysis of feelings and emotions in the poetry; <em>second</em>, analysis of language and writing style; <em>third</em>, analysis of the poet”s condition; <em>fourth</em>, the emotional response of the reader or listenser.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Expressivism, Poem, Mahmoud Darwish</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRAK – </em></strong>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengungkapkan latar belakang kepribadian dan kehidupan seorang pengarang melalui karya sastranya. Latar belakang kepribadian dan kehidupan pengarang dipandang dapat membantu memberikan penjelasan tentang ekspresi batin dari pengarang dalam penciptaan karya sastranya. Mahmoud Darwish merupakan seorang penyair Arab yang berasal dari Palestina. Ia juga merupakan aktivis yang menyuarakan tentang palestina dalam bentuk puisi dan telah banyak menghasilkan syair-syair bertema identitas, pengasingan, cinta, dan perlawanan. &nbsp;Salah satu dari syair Mahmoud Darwish yaitu <em>“Tadhîqu Binà Al-Ardh”, </em>syair ini menceritakan tentang perlawanan dan keberlangsungan hidup yang penuh dengan penderitaan dan kesedihan. Melalui pendekatan ekspresivisme yang dicetuskan oleh M.H. Abrams yang dimana menitikberatkan kajiannya pada ekspresi perasaan, pemikiran atau temperamen penulis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini sehingga dapat mengungkapkan ekpersi batin dari pengarang yang terkadung dalam karya sastra khususnya pada syair <em>“Tadhîqu Binà Al-Ardh” </em>karya Mahmoud Darwish. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengunakan data-data tertulis yang terdapat dalam syair <em>“Tadhîqu Binà Al-Ardh” </em>karya Mahmoud Darwish yang menunjukkan adanya ekspresi dunia batin sang pengarang dalam syair tersebut. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik baca catat dan studi kepustakaan, serta dianalisis dengan cara mengidentifikasi, mengklarifikasi, menganalisis dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil kesimpulan yang terdapat di dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat ekspresi batin dari penulis dalam karya sastranya yang mencerminkan rasa kesedihan dan penindasan yang dirasakan oleh penulis. Mahmoud Darwish mengunakan Bahasa simbolis dan imajinatif untuk mengungkapkan perasaan batinnya di dalam syairnya tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis karakteristik ekpresivisme terdapat empat tahapan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: <em>pertama</em>, analisis perasaan serta emosi dalam syair; <em>kedua</em>, analisis bahasa dan gaya penulisan; <em>ketiga</em>, analisis kondisi penyair; <em>keempat</em>, respon emosional pembaca atau pendengar.</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><em> Ekspreisvisme, Syair, Mahmoud Darwish</em></p> Syarifuddin, Syarifah Julia Fadhlul, Akmal Fajri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of ADIA Fri, 12 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800