The Phenomenon of Historical Facts Through Literary Works: The Factors Behind the Fall of Andalusia from Ar-Rundi's Perspective


  • Ade Hafis UIN AR-RANIRY
  • Anshar Zulhelmi UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Sumardi Sumardi UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Rahil Maghfirah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh


Karya Sastra, Andalusia, Ar-Rundi, Nuniyyatu Ar-Rundi


Literary works are the products of a writer's imagination expressed through the medium of language. They are derived from the phenomena observed by the writer within their societal context, serving as evidence of a community's life. In 1492, the Islamic kingdom of Andalusia faced defeat at the hands of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. This event has been recounted by prominent historians and writers. One such Andalusian writer, Abu Al-Baqa’ Ar-Rundi, describes the phenomena occurring within Andalusian society that contributed to the fall of a state that had been in power for eight centuries in his poetry.

This study aims to reveal the causes of the defeat and collapse of Andalusia from Ar-Rundi's perspective, as expressed in his work, Nuniyyatu Ar-Rundi. The researcher employs a historical method with a literary criticism approach, seeking to uncover the historical factors leading to the fall of Andalusia by interpreting the verses of Ar-Rundi's Nuniyyah. The findings indicate that the factors contributing to the collapse of Andalusia, according to Ar-Rundi's perspective, are: 1) Complacency in luxury, 2) Abandonment of jihad, and 3) Disintegration of the Muslim community.


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