
  • Wahyudi Buska Faculty of Islamic Civilization and Humanities of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Yogia Prihartini UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Nasir


Integration Learning Webbed;, Improving Language;, Mastery of Arabic


This research aims to determine the conditions for implementing Arabic language learning in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, and wants to try to develop an integrated learning model for the teaching and learning process in the classroom in an effort to improve mastery of Arabic language sciences. The research objects were 60 students from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, semester 1 (one) and semester 3 (three). The research method used in this research was the research and development method. The process carried out in this research is to design and develop an integrated learning model in the field of education, after obtaining descriptions and data from the results of surveys conducted on the objects studied. Based on the reality in the field, it shows that Arabic language learning in the Arabic Language and Literature Department at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities needs to be improved. One way that can be done is to develop an integrated learning model that can combine Arabic language knowledge in the learning process, so that students are expected to be able to master Arabic language knowledge thoroughly. We hope that the results of this research can be used as input for consideration. as an alternative in an effort to develop an integrated learning model in teaching Arabic.


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