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Author Guideline
Manuscripts sent to the editor of Sanger Journal will be considered for publication as long as they fulfill the following criteria:
- The manuscript is scientific in nature, i.e. a study of problems in the public management and public policy area, original ideas that are considered to contribute to society and science.
- The manuscript submitted is a manuscript that has never been published in any publication or is not being requested or considered for publication by other media.
- Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English that meet the rules of good and correct writing.
- The manuscript is written by using Microsoft Word program in A4 size, around 6,500-7,000 words (excluding references) with Cambria font size 11 points and 1.5 spaces.
- Each manuscript is written sequentially consisting of the title, then the author's name, abstract, keywords, manuscript content (introduction, literature review, methods, research results, discussion, closing and bibliography) (follow the template);
- The manuscript is submitted / submitted to the editor of Sager through the SUBMIT PAPER form available on the website
- Manuscripts that are published will pass the peer review process and the editing process without changing the substance.
- Manuscripts that are submitted to the editor are categorized:
- Accepted without revision
- Accepted with revision
- Rejected
- Manuscripts that are published and not published will be notified to the author via email.
- Manuscripts that are published will be given proof of publication by sending LoA Sanger Journal
The writing system can be found as follows:
Title: The title should be concise and straightforward, and may include subtitles with a maximum total of 14 words.
Name of the author: Authors does not require an academic degree. Make a brief biography of the author as a footnote to the author's name, with the affiliation department, university, nation, and corresponding author email address should appear next to the author's name.
Abstrak: Abstracts are written between 200 - 250 words in English. The abstract contains the objectives, methods, and results of the research and the conclusion.
Keyword of Abstract: Keywords of 3-5 words that reflect the content of the manuscript are included.
Manuscript content: It should be between 6000-8000 words, using Cambria font size 11 with 1.5 spaces. Sanger template can be downloaded from the website. The manuscript is written using bodynote as a reference source by following APA style 7th edition. Any information and explanations related to the further explanation of the quotation of the content of the manuscript is to use footnotes.
Introduction: Explains the general background and research question or hypothesis, the importance of the research, literature review ( may include theory and research indicators used), Novelty or research gap from previous findings and concludes with a paragraph on research objectives.
Method: Elaborate on the research design used to address the research problem including the method of analysis. The research methods should contain sufficient detail to engage the reader in evaluating the appropriateness of the methods as well as the reliability and validity of the findings. The tools and application specifications used need to be described. Explanation can be done using Sub: Type and approach, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.
Result: The author should explain the results of research (what was discovered) in detail. The results of the research are discussed in this section to answer the problem formulated, the objectives, and the research hypothesis. Tables and figures that interpret the research data are an important feature of this section because they can convey the main observations to the reader. Any information provided in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text.
Discussion: This section explains the interpretation of the meaning of the research results. It is strongly recommended that the discussion focuses on the why and how of the research findings and the extent to which the research findings can be applied to other relevant issues.
Conclusion: The conclusion contains a summary and suggestions. The summary should indicate the answer given to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or the findings obtained. The summary should not contain a repetition of the research results and discussion, and instead should contain a summary of the research results and findings as expected in the research objectives or hypotheses. Suggestions should clearly state the target and the form of solution offered and present things that will be done next related to the concept of further research. Conclusions are presented in one paragraph without numbers.
Table and Figures: Tables and figures must have titles and have clear number and sources, and be typed in single space.
Figure 1: The Number of Violence Against Women and Children Cases in Aceh
Source: Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Official's Report 2018-2022
Kategori |
Jumlah Transfer |
Keterangan |
Pimpinan dayah |
Rp. 6.000.000 |
Orang /Tahun |
Teungku/Guru |
Rp. 4.800.000 |
Orang /Tahun |
Guru Kontrak Bidang Studi |
Rp. 2.000.000 |
Orang /Tahun |
Tahfizul Quran |
Rp. 2.000.000 |
Orang /Tahun |
Guru Kontrak Teungku Dayah Daerah Terpencil |
Rp. 2.200.000 |
Orang /Tahun |
Table 1. The breakdown of Teungku / Dayah Teacher Welfare Incentives
Source: Aceh Dayah Education Official's Accountability Statement Report 2021
References: Manuscripts are written using standard citation applications (Mendeley). APA (American Psychological Association) 7th reference style is required. At least 25 references are cited, which mostly originate from national or international reputable journal articles (80%) published in the last 10 years. The manuscript must include a bibliography, provided that:
- All citations in the manuscript must appear in the reference list, and all references must be cited in the text.
- The bibliography is organized alphabetically A to Z.
Book with single author
Reference: Cairney, P. (2020). Understanding public policy:Theories and Issues. RED GLOBE PRESS.
In-text: (Cairney, 2020)
Book with two author
Reference: Priadana, S., & Sunarsi, D. (2021). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif. Pascal Book.
In-text: (Priadana & Sunarsi, 2021)
Book with three author or more
Reference: Carpenter, W. M., Wiencek, D. G., & Lilley, J. R. (2016). Asian Security Handbook. Asian Security Handbook, January, 1–47.
In-text:(Carpenter et al., 2016)
Chapter or Article in Edited Book
Reference: Priya, A., Hu, Y., Mou, J., Du, C., Wilson, K., Luque, R., & Lin, C. S. K. (2023). Chapter 1 - Introduction: An overview of biofuels and production technologies. In R. Luque, C. S. K. Lin, K. Wilson, & C. B. T.-H. of B. P. (Third E. Du (Eds.), Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy (pp. 3–24). Woodhead Publishing.
In-text: (Priya et al., 2023)
Journal Article with DOI
Reference: Basting, E. J., Barrett, M. E., Garner, A. R., Florimbio, A. R., Sullivan, J. A., Medenblik, A. M., & Stuart, G. L. (2023). Sexual Narcissism and Hypersexuality Relate to Sexual Coercion in Hookups among U.S. University Students. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 0123456789.
In-text:(Basting et al., 2023)
Journal Article with URL
Reference: Lamont, E., Roach, T., & Kahn, S. (2023). Navigating Campus Hookup Culture : LGBTQ Students and College Hookups Author ( s ): Ellen Lamont , Teresa Roach and Sope Kahn Published by : Wiley Stable URL :
In-text:(Lamont et al., 2023)
Newspapers Article
Reference: Sudarmoko. (2020). Indonesia dan Globalisasi, dalam Tinjauan Kompas. Menatap Indonesia 2024, Tantangan, Prospek Politik dan Ekonomi Indonesia.
In-text: (Sudarmoko, 2020)
Whole Internet Site
Reference: BPS. (2022). Tingkat Penyelesaian Pendidikan Menurut Jenjang Pendidikan dan Provinsi, 2015-2022.
In-text:(BPS, 2022)
Newspaper article with URL
Reference: Renyaan, M. (2024, February 15). Sepanjang Tahun 2024, Ada 14 Kasus Kekerasan Terhadap Anak dan Perempuan Terjadi di Maluku Tenggara. Tribun Ambon.
In-text:(Renyaan, 2024)
Published Thesis
Reference: Hartato, U. (2016). Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penyelesaian Tugas Akhir Skripsi (TAS) mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta angkatan 2011. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 66, 37–39.
In-text: (Hartato, 2016)