Analysis Of Hilal Image Processing Method At Lembaga Falakiyah Nahdlatul Ulama Ponorogo
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The Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management Falakiyah Institute (LF PCNU) Ponorogo uses the image processing method in the rukyatul hilal process. By using this method, LF PCNU Ponorogo has succeeded in capturing the hilal image several times. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the LF PCNU Ponorogo image processing method for rukyatul hilal. This study is a Field Research category with a qualitative research type. Interviews and documentations are used for the data collection method. Furthermore, data analysis use descriptive analysis techniques and verification analysis. The primary data source in this study is the data that obtained in the field such as interviews and documentations. The secondary data is the data related to research such as image processing and astronomy books. The result of this study indicates that the application of the LF PCNU Ponorogo hilal image processing method for rukyatul hilal is processing on hilal images as verification of the existence of hilal in the image. The LF PCNU Ponorogo hilal image processing method has its own characteristics such as the use of video mode in capturing raw data to be processed by IRIS application.
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Wawancara dengan Achmad Junaidi, sebagai Sekretaris LFNU Ponorogo, pada 5 Juni 2020, via telepon.
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