Rukyatul Hilal: Feasibility of Holiped Observation Site for Aryaduta Hotel Palembang City

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Hesti Suci Cahyani
Abdul Ghofur
Muhammad Afan Nur Atqiya


The location of Rukyatul Hilal in the city of Palembang is located on the holiped of the Aryaduta Hotel which is a permanent and permanent place for observing the new moon, so that at the beginning of every Hijriyyah month the South Sumatra Ministry of Religion regional office team and the South Sumatra Rukyat reckoning team collaborate with the hotel to carry out new moon observations at the hotel. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the research found that the location for observing the new moon in the city of Palembang was considered less suitable because there were several primary aspects that were not yet perfect, apart from that at the Aryaduta Hotel holiped it was not suitable because there was quite high light pollution and air pollution, it was often cloudy and even often rained when observing the new moon. thus disrupting the rukyatul hilal process. However, the Aryaduta Hotel is considered a strategic location because it is located in the middle of the city of Palembang, which clearly shows that the location is high and the accessibility and facilities of the hotel are an adequate place for peace in the City of Palembang.

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How to Cite
Cahyani, H. S., Abdul Ghofur, & Muhammad Afan Nur Atqiya. (2024). Rukyatul Hilal: Feasibility of Holiped Observation Site for Aryaduta Hotel Palembang City. KULMINASI: Journal of Falak and Sharia, 2(2), 28–42.


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