Comparison of Tracking Calculation Method of Solar Eclipse and Al-Durru Al-Anîq in Local Solar Eclipse
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Tracking solar eclipses is a method for calculating local solar eclipses written by Muhammad Wasil. The method that has been outlined in this program is said to have a high level of accuracy. Another method that has been recognized for its level of accuracy is the creation of K.H. Ahmad Ghozali in the book al-Durru al-Anîq. Even though both methods are classified as contemporary reckoning, differences in the algorithms will result in differences in the final results. This is the basis for studying the two methods to find out the specifications of the differences in the algorithms used, as well as knowing how far the difference in the calculation results is. This research examines it using a comparative analysis approach. As a result, the differences in the two methods include the data input source, stages and formulas used, as well as differences in the final calculation results, which range from 0 to 29 seconds.
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