Fiqh Study on the Permissibility of Practising 10 Minutes Before Fajr Time as the Imsak Time Limit

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Nur Afdal Purnama Putra


The imsak time which is set 10 minutes before dawn is a tradition that only exists in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, so in this research the author examines the basis for the permissibility of this imsak time in a review of fiqh as one of the scientific studies that discusses Islamic law. To realize this, a qualitative research method of a literary nature was used (referring to books or texts). From this study it was found that the imsak time, which later became the imsakiyah schedule, is a set time which, in terms of language, means holding back and is the time when fasting begins, However, in terms of application, some previous scholars were of the view that there was a time lag between the time of sahur and the dawn call to prayer, this was used as the basis for the time of imsak which, if we examine the application, is a mixture of the time of imsak and the time of ikhtiyat so that there is a provision of 10 minutes before the time of dawn, combining This is based on several hadiths which mention the time between the dawn and sahur calls to prayer as mentioned previously, apart from that it is also based on the basis of caution in order to achieve an unhurried meal of sahur, these 10 minutes are the result of an agreement only and not the result of legal provisions Islam.

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How to Cite
Putra, N. A. P. (2024). Fiqh Study on the Permissibility of Practising 10 Minutes Before Fajr Time as the Imsak Time Limit. KULMINASI: Journal of Falak and Sharia, 2(1), 114–129. Retrieved from


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