Hadith Discourse on the Prohibition of Drawing in a Ma'na Cum Maghza Approach


  • Nur Handary UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Najwa Al Husda UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta




ma'na cum maghza, hadith, prohibition on drawing, contextualization


Today's reality, drawing is something that is commonly done by many people as a creative process to create works of art, some people even make it their livelihood or work. However, in Islam there is a hadith which states that the maker of the image will receive harsh punishment. This paper tries to discuss the hadith prohibiting drawing using ma'na cum maghza analysis to get the message (maghza) of the text of the hadith. This type of research is a qualitative research that is library (library search), with a descriptive-analytical method. After re-examining, it turns oout that the hadith contains a message (maghza) that the prohibition of drawing is aimed at makers of images that have the aim of associating partners with or emulating Allah's creation, while someone who draws with the aim of art, teaching and learning tools and children's toys is allowed as long as it does not violate religious and social norms.


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How to Cite

Handary, N., & Al Husda, N. (2023). Hadith Discourse on the Prohibition of Drawing in a Ma’na Cum Maghza Approach. ULMINASI: ournal of alak and haria, 1(2), 65–84. https://doi.org/10.22373/kulminasi.v1i2.4181