ANALYSIS OF RUKYATUL HILAL PLACES IN RIAU PROVINCE (Geographical, Meteorological, and Climatological Analysis Study)
Main Article Content
Riau Province does not have a rukyat place that is a fixed and permanent place for hilal observation, so the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion and THR still cooperates with various parties of the Regency Ministry of Religion which are considered feasible to be used as a place for rukyatul hilal implementation. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study found that the observation location in Pekanbaru City was considered unfit because some primary aspects were not met, similarly, the observation sites in Dumai City were also considered unfit for similar reasons such as air pollution, light pollution, and the presence of light fog. While in Bengkalis Regency, the Selat Baru Beach location is considered less feasible due to frequent cloudy and cloudy conditions, hindering hilal visibility. In contrast, Rupat Island is considered quite feasible as it has a direct view of the sea and a free view to the west. Despite the occasional cloudy weather, July to October is considered a good time for rukyatul hilal. Access to this location is difficult, takes a long time, and the roads are damaged by abrasion. Criteria that must be met for observing at Tanjung Jaya Beach include a free view at an azimuth of 240˚-300˚, no air and light pollution, and a stable electricity and internet connection.
Article Details
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