FAIRNESS IN GIVING LOVE TO CHILDREN (Interpretation of Surah Yusuf Verse 8 with Ma'na-cum-Maghza Approach)

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Lianfin Safira Aulia


The role of parents is very big influence in the process of children's education. The attitude and example of parents will be a reflection of what children see in their daily lives. One attitude that is clearly visible is how parents give love to their children. Parents should give fair affection to all their children. In Surah Yusuf there is a verse which describes that the Prophet Ya'qub was considered favoritism by his children. This assumption is because the Prophet Ya'qub seemed to love the little Prophet Yusuf and his brother, Bunyamin. In this verse the author wants to analyze why the Prophet Ya'qub seems to show favoritism. The author analyzes the data using the ma'nā-cum-maghzā approach to obtain ghayah from the verses that contain this problem. From this article it is concluded that parents should be able to treat their children fairly, because differences in treating children will have a negative influence on the child's attitude and personality. On the other hand, adult children should not demand that their parents always act the way they want.

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How to Cite
Safira Aulia, L. (2024). FAIRNESS IN GIVING LOVE TO CHILDREN : (Interpretation of Surah Yusuf Verse 8 with Ma’na-cum-Maghza Approach). KULMINASI: Journal of Falak and Sharia, 2(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.22373/kulminasi.v3i1.2975