Kreativitas Santri Dalam Membaca Al-Qur’an Melalui Metode Iqra’ di TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok Aceh Besar


  • Muhammad Rizki
  • Safriadi
  • Rahmatullah



students creativity, al- Quran learning, iqra' methods, TPQ


Maximizing Al-Qur'an learning with new creativities, then the learning becomes interesting, especially in TPQ children. The creativity of the students in reading the Qur'an is decreasing day by day, this is due to the employer factor. The purpose of this study was to find out how the creativity of the students in reading the Qur'an through the Iqra' method at TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, and what the obstacles faced by the students in reading the Al-Qur'an through the Iqra' method were at TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok. The research method used is a qualitative method, data collection techniques use observation and in-depth interviews, while data analysis techniques used triangulation. The results of the research showed that the creativity of the students in reading the Qur'an through the Iqra method carried out by TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok was completely successful. This was surely based on the author's considerations from the interview results which could be seen that there were more conveniences compared to the obstacles experienced by TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok in applying the Iqra method and in developing the creativity of students in reading the Qur'an. The obstacles faced by the students in reading the Qur'an through the Iqra' method were the students often pay because they did not get the teacher's attention, the difference in absorption in which the teacher has to repeat the material a lot, the Al-Qur'an recitation scheduled which is three days a week allowed the students to forget and lack of book packages.


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Hasil observasi peneliti di TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok pada tanggal 18- 05-2023.
Hasil observasi peniliti di kelas intensive pada tanggal 20- 05-2023.
Hasil observasi peniliti di kelas IQRA B dan C di TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok pada tanggal 19- 05-2023.
Hasil observasi peniliti di kelas tahfidz Akhwat pada tanggal 19- 05-2023.
Hasil observasi peniliti di kelas Tahsin A dan B pada tanggal 18- 05-2023.
Hasil observasi peniliti di perpustakaan pada tanggal 17- 05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Direktur TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Direktur TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Direktur TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Direktur TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Direktur TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Direktur TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023.
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Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Ustadz TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 19-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, Jakfar Muhammad, Ustazah Anggun dan Akmal, Direktur dan Ustadz di TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 20-05-2023.
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Hasil wawancara dengan, ustadz Akmal, Ustadz TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 18-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, ustadz Akmal, Ustadz TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 18-05-2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan, ustadz Akmal, Ustadz TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok, tanggal 18-05-2023.
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How to Cite

Rizki, M., Safriadi, & Rahmatullah. (2023). Kreativitas Santri Dalam Membaca Al-Qur’an Melalui Metode Iqra’ di TPQ At-Taqwa Lampupok Aceh Besar. Jurnal Riset Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(2), 223–238.