Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work2024-10-10T07:55:00+08:00Teuku Journal Systems<p><strong>JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work</strong> is the premier journal of the social work profession. Widely read by practitioners, faculty, and students. Jarow is dedicated to improving practice and advancing social work and social welfare knowledge. Its articles yield new insights into established practices, evaluate new techniques and research, examine current social problems, and bring serious critical analysis to bear on problems in the profession. Major emphasis is placed on social policy and the solutions to serious human problems.</p> TUNA SOSIAL DI UNIT PELAKSANAAN TEKNIS DINAS (UPTD) RUMOH SEUJAHTERA BEUJROH MEUKARYA LADONG KABUPATEN ACEH BESAR2023-12-20T10:26:43+08:00Mhd<p>Ninety-nine percent of children in LPKA are victims of lack of household harmony. The problem is that there are children who have been released and handed over to their parents, but return to the LPKA because they have repeated the same or different cases. This could also be because the family does not pay much attention during rehabilitation. This research aims to find out what factors cause drug abuse by children in andikpas at LPKA class II a Banda Aceh and what the impact of drug abuse by andikpas are after undergoing rehabilitation at LPKA class II a Banda Aceh. The method used is qualitative descriptive type. with data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the interview show that the factors that cause drug abuse by children in LPKA Class II A Banda Aceh are: 1) Self-caused due to the child's inability to adapt to the environment, unable to control themselves. 2) The causes originate from the family, such as a lack of harmony in the household so that the child has mental problems and seeks pleasure outside the home. 3) The availability of drugs itself. With the coaching program from LPKA class II Banda Aceh, these children can be more disciplined, more religious and more organized in carrying out their daily lives. Of course, this can remove their thoughts about their past actions that should not have happened.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Peran Ganda : Perspektif Teori Pertukaran Perilaku Dan Teori Pertukaran Sosial2024-06-27T17:20:06+08:00Lina<p>Women having careers does not mean competing with men or forcing gender equality so they can be fully equal to men. Progress over time has brought very rapid changes in human life, both in the fields of technology and science. Along with progress in economic development, higher demands are placed on each individual in these changes. Women's dual roles are not an achievement that is easy for women to achieve. Qualitative descriptive methods are used in this research. A scientific research to dig deeper into a social problem which is the aim of the author. The focus of this research aims to find out how women have multiple roles from the perspective of behavioral exchange theory. social in women's dual role in career and household, where women must balance the demands they face. The role played must be able to do work outside the home, be able to manage the household, be a wife, and a mother who will take care of her family. It can be concluded that women have a dual role in the exchange of social behavior because it focuses on individual behavior in social relationships and social interactions. Women's work is the process of consuming physical and mental energy for someone who is paid to work as a housewife and teacher, a PT Sawit factory worker. So, the role of women in the family is the mother as a character shaper for the child and the child's partner in education for the welfare of their life. From the perspective of social behavioral exchange, women can be considered as active participants in determining their multiple roles.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Konselor Adiksi Dalam Pemulihan Pecandu Penyalahgunaan Napza (Studi Penelitian Di Yayasan Rumoh Geutanyoe Aceh)2024-04-30T16:04:03+08:00Mai<p>Drug abuse is increasing day by day, and healing is also done in various ways, one way to recover for victims of drug abuse is through an addiction counselor. In this thesis, we examine the role of addiction counselors in the recovery of drug abuse addicts at the Rumoh Geutanyoe Foundation, Aceh. This type of research is field research with qualitative research methods. This research was carried out by observation and interviews with a number of respondents and informants so that the results were described narratively. The results of this research found that, the role of addiction counselors for the recovery of drug abuse addicts at the Rumoh Geutanyoe Aceh Foundation is by screening to determine the next action to be taken and applying techniques that are appropriate to the resident's needs, after that the counselor places new clients in a special room with the aim of eliminates the effects of the substance without a replacement drug. Then the program starts for 4 months or more depending on the progress assessed in the program by the counselor. Apart from that, counselors also experience obstacles such as addicts who have serious illnesses that require special medical treatment. Apart from that, each resident has different problems and characteristics so counselors need to adapt to face new problems. Based on the results of this interview, it is recommended that addiction counselors for the recovery of drug abuse addicts at the Rumoh Geutanyoe Aceh Foundation be carried out well, namely: Addiction counselors to carry out more training or additional education in maximizing the competency of addiction counselors. Always improve his personal qualities to become a better agent of change for victims of drug abuse.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Nelayan Di Gampong Padang Baru Kecamatan Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya2024-05-13T20:51:31+08:00Muhammad<p>Fishermen are a community that is very dependent on existing marine resources. Apart from depending on marine resources, they also depend on natural conditions, fuel oil, education, skills and also the wealth they own, so that this can cause the income earned by fishermen to be less than optimal and automatically not optimal to meet their daily needs and making the welfare conditions of the household low. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods, the research subjects used purposive sampling techniques, the objects used were 17 people, namely the village head, village secretary, panglima laot, 7 fishing communities using fishing gear and fishing communities who cultivated fish and shrimp. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of interviews with fishermen in Gampong Padang Baru, Susoh District, Southwest Aceh Regency, it is stated that the condition of fishermen in realizing household prosperity in general is that fishermen are able to carry out various kinds of activities to create household welfare as seen from their income which is not enough. to meet existing needs. However, fishermen also look for side jobs, for example farming, casual labor and trading. The strategies used in this research are business alternative strategies, family members joining in the work, savings strategies, and networking strategies.</p> <p> </p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Hidup Sehat Pemulung Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Gampong Jawa Kota Banda Aceh2024-07-09T12:10:42+08:00Nur<p>Kesehatan adalah kebutuhan pokok manusia.Ekonomi juga kebutuhan pokok. Syarat hidup sehat harus di dukung oleh kecukupan ekonomi, kalok ekonomi kurang maka hidup sehat nampaknya tidak dapat di wujudkan. Untuk menemukan dan mencukupi kebutuhan ekonomi dapat di lakukan dengan berbagai cara, di antaranya dengan memilih sampah yang masih bernilai ekonomi. Namun pekerjaan ini beresiko terhadap kesehatan karena tempatnya yang penuh dengan penyakit. Di Banda Aceh ada sejumlah orang yang melakukan pekerjaan ini yaitu di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir sampah di Gampong Jawa. Berdasarkan kepada kenyataan di atas maka peneliti berusaha untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan bagaimana para pemulung itu menjaga kesehatan dan menerapkan perilaku hidup sehat dalam kehidupan mereka. Penelitiaan ini di lakukan dengan cara observasi langsung dengan mewawancarai sejumlah informan dan responden. Setelah di adakan penelitiaan di temukan bahwa para pemulung di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir sampah Gampong Jawa dapat menerapkan perilaku hidup sehat walaupun mereka bekerja di tempat yang tidak sehat, Namun demikian masih ada beberapa hal yang perlu di perhatikan oleh sejumlah pihak terutama Pemerintah, yaitu masih perlu penyuluhan dan penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan khusus di Gampong Jawa.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Tuna Sosial Di Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis Dinas (Uptd) Rumoh Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Kabupaten Aceh Besar2023-12-20T10:27:40+08:00Fadli<p>Socially disabled is someone who, due to certain factors or not, is less able to carry out a decent life in accordance with the norms of social, religious or legal life. In this research, the Socially Disabled Persons referred to in the category of one type of problem, namely homeless people and beggars, are those who are registered with People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS), of which there are still many problems in Aceh Province, one of which is (UPTD) Rumoh Seujahtra Beujroh Meukarya is a form of concern in the Social Disability Services Program, which is a Regional Government Program to reduce the number of homeless, homeless, beggar PMKS. This research aims to determine the Rehabilitation Process for Socially Impaired Persons at the Rumoh Seujahtra Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD). The method used in this research is the Qualitative Descriptive Approach Method. The collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research were 7 informants consisting of 4 UPTD employees and 3 clients. The results of interviews and observations carried out showed that UPTD Rumoh Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya in Ladong Aceh Besar Regency had a rehabilitation process, various forms of rehabilitation guidance were provided and there were changes to clients after rehabilitation services were provided to them.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Kesejahteraan Sosial Untuk Narapidana Perempuan Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas III Lhoknga2024-06-27T16:34:48+08:00Isnani<p>Kesejahteraan sosial terhadap perempuan telah menjadi inti dari salah satu pokok pembahasan penting dalam tulisan ini, bagaimana tidak penting perempuan adalah awal dari peradaban mulainya pendidikan bagi seorang manusia, apa jadinya jika kesejahteraan terhadap perempuan tidak menjadi inti pembahasan yang penting. Pada dasarnya setiap orang yang melanggar akan terpidana yaitu adanya perampasan kemerdekaan setelah melewati putusan pengadilan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap. Hal utama dari perampasan kemerdekaan ini adalah pidana penjara yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah pelayanan kesejahteraan sosial perempuan yang berkasus dengan hukum. Pemenuhan pelayanan terhadap narapidana perempuan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan kelas III Lhoknga secara umum sudah terpenuhi, namun pada beberapa pemenuhan pelayanan masih belum terlaksana sesuai dengan ketentuan undang-undang. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberap faktor penghambat dalam pemenuhan pelayanan narapidana perempuan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan kelas III Lhoknga .</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Sosial Pecandu Game Online Di Kalangan Remaja Desa Blang Baru Kecamatan Labuhan Haji Barat Kabupaten Aceh Selatan2024-03-28T14:43:26+08:00Ismail<p>In this thesis, research will focus on the social behavior of online game addicts among teenagers in Blang Baru Village, West Labuhanhaji District, South Aceh Regency. The aim of this research is to reveal the social behavior of online game addicts, the impact of addicts' social behavior and the efforts made to recover from online game addiction. The method used in the research was descriptive, the number of informants in this study was 14 people. The results of this research show that the behavior of teenagers who become addicted to online games tends to be negative, because they consider playing online games to be a satisfaction that cannot be replaced by other activities. In this way, they ignore the people closest to them such as their parents and the surrounding community. Interacting with people around them becomes ineffective because they rarely communicate, this is because they prioritize their desire to play online games compared to other activities so they ignore things that are not related to online games. The impact of online games on social behavior can be divided into two, namely positive impacts and negative impacts, namely: Positive impacts include: can increase relationships or make friends, as refreshing to relieve stress, train discipline, communication and cooperation, can improve English language skills. Negative impacts include : can increase laziness, waste time so much that it is unproductive, neglect of tasks due to online games, cause addiction/addiction effects, can speak harshly and ignore friends, parents and even society. Forms of social behavior include: instrumental rationality, oriented rationality, traditional actions, and affective actions. Meanwhile, efforts made to recover from online game addiction among teenagers are: limiting playing games, looking for new hobbies, implementing restrictions, reducing teenagers' need to access online games such as reducing internet package quotas.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work Fungsi Lahan Ganja Ke Ladang Kopi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Masyarakat Kampung Agusan Kecamatan Blangkejeren Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues2024-07-17T09:28:12+08:00Siti Suharni<p>Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dampak peralihan fungsi lahan ganja menjadi ladang kopi Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Masyarakat Kampung Agusan Kecamatan. Blangkejeren Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues dan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya peralihan fungsi lahan ganja menjadi ladang kopi dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Masyarakat kampung Agusan Kecamatan Blangkejeren Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peralihan ladang ganja yang terjadiyakni memusnahkan ladang ganja siap panen seluas 5 hektare di kawasan Hutan Lindung Pegunungan Leuser, Desa Agusan, Kecamatan Blangkejeren, Kabupaten Gayo Lues, Provinsi Aceh. Berdasarkan keterangan yang diterima di Jakarta, Kamis (2/6/2022), BNN melakukan kerja sama dengan Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) sertaBadan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) ketika melakukan pemusnahan tersebut. Masyarakat di Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya peralihan fungsi lahan ganja menjadi ladang kopi dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Masyarakat Kampung Agusan Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues yakni terdapatnya banyak masyarakatyang menyalahgunakan tanaman ganja bukan lagi sebagai obat, melainkan dikonsumsi untuk hal yang tidak bermanfaat sehingga meninggalkan anak dan istri dikarenakan harus menjalankan hukumannya.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 JAROW: Journal of Ar-Raniry on Social Work