Development of the Renaissance Diptych Dial Instrument


  • Khabib Suraya Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang



Sundial, Diptych Dial, Renaissance, Astronomical Instrument


Time is the dividing line between an event's beginning and end. Humans have been keeping track of time in ways that have evolved since the beginning of time. Utilizing the sun's shadow is the strategy that is still in use today. Western countries went through the Renaissance after the Middle Ages, which was a period of resurgence in science. There were several astronomical instruments discovered, and the Diptych Dial is one of them. Because it differs from the sundials that generally evolve, this device is quite intriguing. It can be used to determine the moon phase, time, direction, and several other things by using two regions of the dial. Additionally, because of its attractive appearance, it can be used as decoration or a collection. It can be used to determine the moon phase, the time, the direction, and can also be used as decoration or a collection due to its attractive shape, which has artistic value, by using two areas of the dial. The purpose of this study is to determine how the Diptych Dial instrument changed over the course of the Renaissance. using descriptive analytic and qualitative research techniques. The development of Diptych Dial instruments during the Renaissance was quite rapid, as evidenced by the number of Diptych Dials produced, which reached thousands in the city of Nuremburg, and their distribution to various European regions. Data from several previous studies and a collection of museum collections were used as data sources.


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How to Cite

Suraya, K. (2023). Development of the Renaissance Diptych Dial Instrument. KULMINASI: Journal of Falak and Sharia, 1(2), 42–64.