Law, Homosexual, Boy’s Love, FilmAbstract
In this modern era, technological progress is growing rapidly. Impact on human life now. As a result, there are both positive and negative impacts. In this case, judging by the negative impact. Such as online television, which is accessed through the internet system. There are shows that are not worth watching such as films that have the boy's love genre. This kind of spectacle will damage the human character who watches it. As a result, it will cause prejudices and assumptions about the feasibility of the presence of gay people as shown in these films. The problem in this study is how the content, review of Islamic law and positive legal review as well as the similarities and differences between the two laws on the content of Homosexual Boy's Love genre in the film Cherry Blossom After Winter. This research uses a qualitative approach. Using library research data collection methods. By using a data source in the form of a primary data source in the form of observations from the drama series Cherry Blossom After Winter. Also primary data consisting of primary legal materials, namely legislation, secondary legal materials, namely fkih books and others related to the issues discussed and tertiary legal materials, namely encyclopedias. The content in the film Cherry Blossom After Winter contains homosexual content or films. Islamic law forbids the act or the display of it. The positive law against its display is said to be homsoexual pornographic content if there is an element of deviant intercourse in it. Both prohibit the act and dissemination of homosexual content. The difference lies in that the punishment in Islamic law is imposed as jarimah ta'zir. Positive law has provisions that allow it to be circulated.
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