Proceeding on Computer and Electrical Education Research (PROCESSOR) <p><a href=""><img style="margin-right: 30px; float: left; height: 400px; width: auto;" src="/public/site/images/auliasyarif/cover_processor_web.png"></a></p> <p style="text-indent: 30px;">Welcome to Proceeding on Computer and Electrical Education Research (PROCESSOR). PROCESSOR 2023 is hosted and organized by Department of Information Technology Education, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh. It is co-hosted by Jakarta State University (UNJ) and Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI).</p> <p style="text-indent: 30px;">The theme of PROCESSOR 2023 is "The Future of Technical Vocational and Education Training in a Digital World".</p> <p><strong>Topics of Interest:</strong><br>Information Technology, Multimedia Interactive, Computer and Education, Educational Technology, User Interface and Human-Computer Interaction, Educational, General-Information System Application (incl internet), Computer Application in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Interdisciplinary Research.</p> en-US (Firmansyah) (Firmansyah) Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 A SURVEY OF FACILITY MANAGEMENT GREEN SKILLS COMPETENCY AMONG TVET EDUCATORS AND STUDENTS IN A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY IN MALAYSIA <p>Green skills are sometimes referred to as sustainable development skills because they are associated with technical skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes required in the workforce to produce and promote sustainable, social, economic, and environmental results in business, industries, and the community. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) plays an important role in promoting the development of a sustainable workforce by educating and training students through a more valuable sustainability-related curriculum, as well as contributing to the development of the Facility Management (FM)&nbsp;industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the green skills competency of third- and final-year TVET undergraduate students and educators from a public university in Malaysia. Based on Pavlova's green skills competency&nbsp;and ecological&nbsp;modernization theory&nbsp;by Howes et al.,&nbsp;this&nbsp;study constructs&nbsp;a conceptual framework. This study includes 40 Faculty of Technical and Vocational educators and 81 third- and final-year students from Engineering Technology, Agriculture, and Family and Consumer Science programmes. The data were collected using an online Google form. In this study, descriptive statistics such as frequency (ƒ)&nbsp; and percentage (%) were used. Thematic analysis was also employed to categorise open-ended items. This study emphasises qualitative analysis findings to relate green skills competency of the respondents.&nbsp; The findings of this study reveal that the respondents’ claims that they understood the green concept. They thought green skills as sustainability, green technology, recycling activities, and renewable energy. Most of the participants agreed that they possessed green knowledge and skills. They also stated the benefits of green technology which included creating sustainable environment, providing renewable energy, promoting recycling activities, saving operational costs, improving wellbeing, enhancing energy saving, providing more green jobs opportunities and encouraging the use of green materials. However, the most challenging barrier is inadequate facilities to support green skills related activities. Next, educators also highlighted the lack of proper green curriculum and the lecturers lack of motivation as the other barriers faced while teaching green skills. Finally, the respondents made suggestions to their institution on how to enhance green skills competency among TVET educators and students. They stated that educators should conduct seminar and training related to green skills to their students. Followed by need to restructure green curriculum, ensuring adequate resources are available, cultivating green attitude and ensuring policy is implemented at the institutional and national levels.</p> Shri Dayalam James @ Batumalay, Ramlee Mustapha, Theepa Paramasivam , Irdayanti Mat Nashir Copyright (c) 0 Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0800 THE EVALUATION OF BUILDING ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TRAINING PROGRAM AT THE BANDA ACEH WORK TRAINING CENTER (BLK) <p>Vocational Training Center (BLK) is an institution that provides students with provisions in the form of: skills according to the needs of the world of work. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the success of the simple stage electrical installation training program V in 2021 at the Banda Aceh Job Training Center. The purpose of this research is to find out the success of the phase IV simple building electricity installation program in 2021 in Banda Aceh Vocational Training Center. The research method used is approach quantitative. Quantitative data was obtained from the questionnaire instrument which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research was carried out in line with the Installation program training schedule simple building electricity in phase IV, July 2021. The training program lasts for 34 day in BLK location. The results of this study found that the BLK had organized Phase IV of the simple building electrical installation training program, which began in July 2021, has been completed successfully and effectively create qualified, professional, competent and well-behaved participants well after training.</p> Habibuddion Muslihin, Sadrina Sadrina, Husnizar Husnizar Copyright (c) 0 Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0800 AN ANALYSIS OF TEAMVIEWER AND ULTRAVNC PERFORMANCE ON WIFI NETWORKS <p>One of the challenges that educators faced in online learning during the Covid-19 was the implementation of practicums. Educators have difficulty supervising and controlling student activity during the practicums process. Not to mention that many students are distracted and doing other activities that can interfere with the practicum, such as browsing social media and watching streaming videos. In order to solve this, teachers and educators can utilize application such as a remote desktop to monitor and control student activity. In this study, we compared the performance of remote desktop applications TeamViewer and UltraVNC based on throughput, packet loss, delay, and jitter parameters. Measurements were carried out using a wireshark with a school computer laboratory wifi network. The measurement results show that UltraVNC produces higher throughput and packet loss than TeamViewer. However, TeamViewer has higher delay and jitter than UltraVNC.</p> Aulia Syarif Aziz, Syakirun Mukmin, Ridwan Ridwan, Firmansyah Firmansyah Copyright (c) 0 Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0800 CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEM DESIGN OF INTERNET-BASED ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS <p>Technological developments encourage humans to be able to adapt to their developments so humans must open their horizons in thinking creatively and innovatively to maximize the performance of a job or security that can be developed to continue to produce the latest works. Technology can be used as a system or tool that can facilitate all daily human activities where it can be used manually or can be used automatically using technology. In this research, technology is used to alleviate human worries about using electricity at home, where researchers create a design system for controlling and monitoring electrical installations based on the Internet of Things that can control and monitor the use of electric power through the Blynk application using experimental research types to see success or failure. not used as a monitoring system and control system. The results obtained in this study are that the work system using electric power can be controlled manually and automatically via the internet using the Blynk application to turn on and turn off electricity with a response duration of 0.5 – 1 second. This tool is also used as a monitoring tool in the use of electric power at each load using the Bylnk application with manual measurement comparisons with a value of 0.95 – 2.00% which is used according to load usage.</p> Abdul Hanif, Hari Anna Lastya, Muhammad Ikhsan Copyright (c) 0 Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0800 DESIGN OF PLC-BASED ELECTRIC MOTOR CONTROL TRAINER IN COURSES ELECTRIC MACHINERY CONTROL PRACTICE <p>PLC-based Electric Motor Control is one of the materials in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum course which requires a medium to make it easier for students during practicum. This trainer and practicum module were developed as a tool for teaching lecturers in explaining PLC-based electric motor control material. The PLC trainer in this study used the Zelio PLC module type SR2 B201FU. This study used the research &amp; development method both in the design of the trainers and in the preparation of the PLC practicum modules. The research instrument carried out by the researcher was a media expert and material expert validation sheet to test the feasibility of the trainer to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum. The questionnaire was used to find out the respondents' responses regarding the importance of using trainers and PLC-based electric motor control practicum modules in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum course. The validation results of media experts and material experts prove that the trainer and PLC-based electric motor control practicum module are very feasible in terms of media and material. Based on the percentage of scores obtained from media experts, namely 91% and material experts obtaining a score of 98%, it is included in the very feasible category to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum course. The results of student respondents' responses related to the importance of using trainers and PLC modules obtained results of 87% included in the very important category to be applied in practicum.</p> Mirza Sultan Farza, Malahayati Malahayati, Muhammad Ikhsan Copyright (c) 0 Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0800 HAZOP METHOD FOR ELECTRICAL K3 ANALYSIS SETTLEMENT IN THE VILLAGE JAGONG JEGET-ACEH TENGAH <p>Electrical energy is something that is very important today and is very much needed for every house or place of residence. Every house stay must have safety in electrical installations installed such as MCB, grounding, fuses, and other electrical fittings that are included in K3 electricity, so that the house can be said to be safe to live in. However, there are still many residents who do not know about the existence of PUIL for the electrical installations used and installed in their homes, as well as minimal knowledge of the importance of PUIL completeness. This study aims to determine the completeness of residents' electrical installations based on PUIL (General Electrical Installation Requirements) in Jagong Jeget village -Aceh Tengah by using HazOp so that residents' homes avoid hazards caused by electric currents. HazOp is an abbreviation for method <em>Hazards </em>and <em>Operability</em>. this research uses a qualitative method with interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The result, there are several residents' houses that are still there using a fuse as a safety installation, and there are still many residents' houses that do not install grounding, as well there are some residents who use electronic devices not following for under the power installed in their homes. So, got concluded that house residents in Jagong Jeget Village-Aceh Tengah yet fulfill standard PUIL equipment.</p> Raihan Islamadina, Ike Wirda Sari, Hadi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 0 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0800 DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC UNLOCKING SYSTEMS WITH BASED NOTIFICATIONS RFID (RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION) <p>Security is the most important thing in everyday life, there are lots of thefts or break-ins of a security system because it is not properly protected. Plus there is no additional notification system on conventional locks that are commonly used which can provide information on anyone trying to access the door. Automatic Unlock System With RFID Based Notification (<em>Radio&nbsp; Frequency Identification</em>). Aim to plan<em>prototype </em>automatic unlocking system with RFID based notifications. Work system from<em>prototype </em>it is controlled using the NodeMCU ESP8266 as the brain of<em>prototype </em>which is equipped with RC522 RFID sensors, servo motors, and<em>Touch </em>Sensor to open the door from the inside. This study uses a type of qualitative research and uses methods<em>Research and Development </em>(R&amp;D). Based on the test results, the system can read the E-KTP card to open the door and the system can also send notifications to the telegram application. RFID testing is known sensors can read cards starting from distance of 0.0 cm to 1.8 cm. In testing the RFID response time, it is known that the time required ranges from 2.59 to 2.86<em>second</em>. Next test the response time<em>touch </em>sensor, the response time required until the door is opened an average of 1.99<em>second</em>.<em><br></em></p> Fathiah Fathiah, Sri Wahyuni, Abdul Malek Safar Copyright (c) 0 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0800 APPLICATION OF PARTICIPATORY METHODS IN MOTORCYCLE ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE LEARNING MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRIAL WORK PRACTICES (PRAKERIN) CLASS XI SMK NEGERI 4 BANDA ACEH <p>An internship is a specialized activity in which students participate directly in the delivery of training in the working world. Students are actively involved in the learning process when using participatory approaches. According to observations made by researchers at SMK Negeri 4 in Banda Aceh, the majority of students are still limited in their ability to learn due to material issues, especially when it comes to maintenance-related subjects like motorcycle electricity, which benefit from both classroom and real-world practice (DU/DI). The goal of this study is to determine whether it is feasible to use participatory methods to teach students at SMK Negeri 4 Banda Aceh class XI about motorcycle electrical maintenance in stages of planning, implementing, and evaluating learning. The three stages of the participatory method are planning, doing, and assessing learning. According to the study's findings, the participative approach is effective and has an impact on student learning at SMK Negeri 4 Banda Aceh.</p> Akmilul Fazlan, Muhammad Rizal Fachri, Husnizar Husnizar Copyright (c) 0 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0800 DEVELOPMENT OF SENSOR-BASED PROTOTYPE ROBOT FOR AUTOMATED FOOD DELIVERY <p>The food delivery process in Indonesia generally still uses a manual system and queues often occur in stalls at lunch time, especially when an employee is absent or sick. This makes customers have to wait a long time to be able to get food. From the problems above, the researchers took the initiative to create a prototype robot that can deliver food automatically, thereby easing the work of waiters in delivering food. The type of research used is qualitative research using the prototype method. The results show that the robot will move to the destination table by selecting the available menu on the Keypad Shield LCD display. After one of the menus is selected then press the right button on the LCD menu until the Red Table On display appears if red is selected. Then the robot will move towards the destination table according to the input given. If the order is ready to be delivered, the robot will automatically return to its original place. Based on the results of the research above, it was concluded that the prototype could run well and make it easier for business people or restaurants to deliver orders to the consumer's table.</p> Ridwan Ridwan, Muhammad Fauzan, Hadi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 0 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYSIS OF NETWORK PERFORMANCE AT SMKN 1 TAKENGON <p>The Internet Service Provider has the duty as an internet service provider to make comfort and satisfaction of its customers by providing fast and reliable internet access services. There are two important factors in internet speed, namely upload speed and download speed. Bandwidth capacity is the most influential thing to increase the effectiveness of internet speed. This research aims to analyze throughput and delay of internet network using QoS (Quality of Service) parameters. Wireshark is used in measuring the performance of this network. The research was conducted at the computer laboratory of SMKN 1 Takengon. The results of data analysis suggested that the network performance at SMKN 1 Takengon using throughput and delay parameters is in the feasible and very good category where throughput has the average index is 3.8 in the good category. While for delay, it is getting an average index of 4 which is in the very good category.</p> Firmansyah Firmansyah, Nikma Marwah Mah Bengi, Hazrullah Hazrullah, Aulia Syarif Aziz Copyright (c) 0 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0800 DEVELOPMENT OF DUAL-AXIS SUN TRACKER BASED ON TETRAHEDRON GEOMETRY USING PHOTOTRANSISTOR SENSOR <p>Solar energy is optimally obtained by the solar panel when the solar panel is perpendicular to the position of the sun, so a sun tracker is required to track the sun precisely. This study compares the electrical energy obtained in the proposed dual-axis sun tracker system with tetrahedron geometry of different sizes and using phototransistor sensors with previous research using tetrahedron geometry with more blunt triangular sizes and using LDR sensors. The results showed that the sun tracker in the proposed research obtained an average voltage value of 39.58%greate than the sun tracker of previous research.&nbsp; The average current value on the proposed research sun tracker is 41.42% greater than the previous research sun tracker. The value of electrical energy produced on solar modules using sun trackers is directly proportional to the value of voltage and current produced, that is, if the value of voltage and current is large, the value of electrical energy obtained is also greater. The average electrical energy yield of solar modules using sun trackers such as the proposed research is 60.55% greater than solar modules using sun trackers in previous research.</p> Hari Anna Lastya, Yuwaldi Away, Tarmizi Tarmizi, Ira Devi Sara, Muhammad Ikhsan, Nikmal Maula Mirdha Copyright (c) 0 Fri, 31 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0800