hazards, operability, K3, electrical installationAbstract
Electrical energy is something that is very important today and is very much needed for every house or place of residence. Every house stay must have safety in electrical installations installed such as MCB, grounding, fuses, and other electrical fittings that are included in K3 electricity, so that the house can be said to be safe to live in. However, there are still many residents who do not know about the existence of PUIL for the electrical installations used and installed in their homes, as well as minimal knowledge of the importance of PUIL completeness. This study aims to determine the completeness of residents' electrical installations based on PUIL (General Electrical Installation Requirements) in Jagong Jeget village -Aceh Tengah by using HazOp so that residents' homes avoid hazards caused by electric currents. HazOp is an abbreviation for method Hazards and Operability. this research uses a qualitative method with interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The result, there are several residents' houses that are still there using a fuse as a safety installation, and there are still many residents' houses that do not install grounding, as well there are some residents who use electronic devices not following for under the power installed in their homes. So, got concluded that house residents in Jagong Jeget Village-Aceh Tengah yet fulfill standard PUIL equipment.
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