
  • Ratna Utami Lilia Dewi Kementrian Sosial
  • Teuku Murdani UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh


Isolated community;, empowerment;, social and economi


Pemberdayaan Komunitas Adat Terpencil (PKAT) is a program as to develop isolated Customary community skills and knowledge so that they are able to fulfil their basic needs. The aim of the program is to improve isolated community social welfare and income generation

This article is discussing a community’s social condition, opportunity, the availability of human resources as well as natural recourses to support the program. All of these analyses as a preparation phase for community social empowerment purposes. Overall, the research is aiming to; 1). the socio-economic conditions, natural resources, socio-cultural and social welfare of the community.2). to understand the aspirations of the community in affording their own welfare.3). to understand the real situation so that the program is able to design the strategy of the empowerment based on current conditions. The observation and interview conducted in gampoeng Sikundo, kecamatan Pantai Cermen, kabupaten Aceh Barat. The study summarized that; all local community members are farmers. the Sikundo community lived in an unsettled condition in terms of houses, public services and welfare are ready to make changes to have a better life. The psychological and social conditions of residents who help each other are very valuable capital in empowerment. The West Aceh district government has expressed their full support for the implementation of the empowerment program and is ready to provide the necessary support. The bridge foundation has been built, so it is very crucial to continue the process of the bridge construction. Improving road conditions will also greatly contribute to the success of the program.


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