Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering2024-07-26T11:18:02+08:00Muhammad Journal Systems<p>Welcome to the International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering 2024 (ICVEEE 2024). The conference will be held on May 15-16, 2024, by the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education at UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh. ICVEEE is a prestigious interdisciplinary conference for researchers, engineers, and students from around the world to present ideas, innovations, and current trends in the field of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Engineering. Currently, issues related to the Internet of Things and information play a crucial role in the implementation of digitally connected and interactive information technology. Smart services and robotics have a significant impact on human-machine interactions, human relationships, current challenges in digital education, and digital health, resulting in a new definition of the hybrid interaction era. The target audience includes researchers, students, professionals, and engineers.</p> Education 4.0 for Future Skills 2024-07-10T12:51:28+08:00Tri<p><em>Globalization, demographic shifts, and technological advancements are key drivers of contemporary change, shaping the trajectory of the world ahead. This rapid change brings with it uncertainty and imposes pressures on financial, environmental, and social fronts. To navigate this evolving landscape, both the realms of work and education must transform uncertainty into opportunity, complexity into clarity, and problems into potential. This necessitates a redefinition of essential skills for the future, with a focus on continuous education and training systems to equip the workforce with the necessary competencies. While educational institutions have endeavored to incorporate new skill sets into their programs, there remains a gap between graduate competencies and the demands of the workforce. The skills required in the future differ significantly from those of previous generations, presenting challenges in anticipating the needs of tomorrow's graduates and the evolving job market.</em></p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Build Automatic Home Door Security Using IoT-Based PIR and RFID Sensors2024-07-10T12:37:13+08:00M. Hafidz<p><em>Security is the main thing for humans. Along with the rapid progress of technology, crime is increasing, one of which is theft which often occurs in houses that are left empty. To increase the feeling of security, a prototype home security notification system was built. This prototype tool utilizes RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) which is equipped with a PIR sensor, Blynk, and Email applications as a notification information system, where all systems can be managed on a Node MCU microcontroller. The aim is to provide more optimal protection for homes and the like because the IoT (Internet of Things) based home security notification system also uses RFID and Cards as a substitute for manual keys so that they are more difficult to tap and copy. This research uses qualitative research and uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. Based on the test results, it can be seen that the door is not only accessed manually with an RFID card but can also be accessed using the Blynk application. RFID testing is known to be able to read cards from a distance of 0.0 cm to 4 cm. Testing the response time for email notifications sent can be seen to be around 1 minute or 1000 delays when there is movement on the PIR sensor</em></p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering KOMIK DIGITAL PADA MATERI SISTEM TENAGA LISTRIK MENGGUNAKAN CLIP STUDIO PAINT2024-07-10T12:41:57+08:00Fazlun<p style="font-weight: 400;">Dalam mata kuliah Sistem Tenaga Listrik, mahasiswa mempelajari komponen listrik dengan fokus kegunaan dan kekurangannya. Penggunaan komik digital diharapkan memudahkan pemahaman, meningkatkan minat belajar, serta merangsang kreativitas berpikir efektif melalui gambar-gambar kompleks. Tujuan peneliti ini untuk membuat bagaimana membuat dan merancang komik digital pada materi sistem tenaga listrik menggunakan Clip Studio Paint dan pengaruh pelayakan media komik digital terhadap pemahaman konsep sistem tenaga listrik sebagai media belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model yang dikembangkan oleh Alessi dan Trollip. Tahap pengembangan instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar validasi produk yang dinilai oleh dua ahli media dan dua ahli materi. Produk yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah komik digital pada materi sistem tenaga listrik. Hasil validasi komik digital dari ahli media sebesar 94,67% dan hasil validasi komik digital dari ahli materi sebesar 90,83% dan rerata diperoleh nilai sebesar 92,75% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa media komik digital layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering INFLUENCE OF ALUMNI'S ROLE AS LABORATORY INSTRUCTORS ON STUDENTS' PRACTICAL VALUE AT THE ELECTRICAL WORKSHOP OF SMKN 2<p style="font-weight: 400;">Sekolah Menengah Keguruan memiliki kegiatan khusus dalam kurikulum yaitu PKL. Program ini telah mengharuskan semua peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan tersebut dengan harapan dapat membentuk sikap kerja perserta didik yang professional setelah lulus sekolah nantinya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal, Peneliti menemukan banyak masalah pada peserta didik dalam mempersiapkan PKL di sana, sehingga mempengaruhi sikap kerja siswa pada saat melakukan PKL. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh peran alumni sebagai instruktur laboratorium terhadap nilai praktik siswa di Bengkel Listrik SMKN 2 Meulaboh, terutama untuk melihat peran pembimbing alumnie saat peserta didik melakukan PKL di industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 16 peserta didik SMK N 2 Meulaboh. Instrument yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dari peran alumni dan guru dengan jumlah persentase nilai praktik rata-rata, peran alumnie sebesar 77,55 % dan guru sebesar 77,51 %. Bukti lain terlihat juga dari hasil uji R-squer terdapat pengaruh peran alumnie sebagai instruktur laboratorium bengkel listrik sebesar 0,535 (53,3%).</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Pembuatan Media Audio Visual Berbasis Animasi pada Materi Pengelasan Sambungan Sudut Posisi Atas Kepala2024-07-10T21:16:02+08:00Fajrator rozi<p>Lack of variation in the delivery of material can be an obstacle in the teaching and learning process, learning that is only guided by the teacher and the material provided at each meeting will greatly influence the success of teaching and learning. Animation-based audio visual media was developed with the assistance of Canva so that it could be implemented in delivering material on welding overhead corner joints at SMK Negeri 1 Pasie Raja. This research aims to produce learning media that can be implemented in material for welding overhead angle joints. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) and uses the ADDIE development model with stages (Analysis, Design, Development, implementation, evaluation). Validation results from material experts showed that the delivery of material using animation-based audio-visual media with the help of Canva obtained an average score of 88.8% with the criterion "Strongly Agree" and validation results from media experts obtained an average score of 91.1% with the criterion " Strongly agree".<br>Keywords: Media, Learning, Audio, Visual, Based, Animation</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering of a Prototype Device for Measuring Electricity Consumption and Water Density for Hydroponic Plants Based on IoT2024-07-15T20:47:56+08:00Hitjrahtul Rizki<p><em>One of the problems with hydroponics is that the electrical power consumption and nutrient levels that have been used are not monitored. The monitoring carried out in this research was to determine real-time electrical energy consumption and nutrient levels. The method used is experimental with a design method using a prototype. The system uses eight water pumps with measurement results of 236 W power, 2 A current and 219 V voltage. The load (water pump) in the hydroponics is active for 24 hours, the electrical energy consumption in the hydroponics is 5.66 kWh/day. The cost of using electricity for 24 hours is IDR 8,182.78 if 30 days is IDR 245,483.00. The nutrient level in hydroponics with a capacity of 130 liters and a nutrient mixture of 1.2 liters is 363 PPM, and at a capacity of 100 liters with a nutrient mixture of 1 liter it reaches 495 PPM. The designed measuring instrument functions well. </em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering of the Kluet River's Potential for Hydrokinetic Power Ibnu<p><em>Electricity has become an essential necessity in modern human life, with all aspects of human existence relying on electrical energy. Securing a reliable location for electricity research poses challenges, particularly due to frequent maintenance issues with the South Kluet Diesel Power Plant. The optimal solution lies in harnessing natural energy sources such as wind, water, among others, to mitigate the dwindling conventional energy resources each year. Utilizing the velocity of river flow for hydrokinetic applications is highly feasible, given the significantly higher density of water compared to air. A quantitative approach was employed in this study, involving observations of the flow velocity of the Kluet River in Lawe Melang Village. The results revealed an average velocity of 3.61 m/s, with the highest probability density function velocity recorded at 3.50 m/s. The kinetic energy generated, assuming a turbine cross-sectional area of 1 m^2, amounted to 114 Amperes, capable of supplying electricity to 29 households with a current limit of 4 A.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Virtual Reality-based Virtual Laboratory for Electrical Engineering Education2024-07-15T21:00:40+08:00Sri Safiatuddinsri.safiatuddin45@gmail.comAkbarul<p><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont15">The development of learning media has become an up-to-date issue in electrical engineering education. It involves analyzing virtual reality-based virtual labs for the Electrical Engineering Education Studies program aimed at facilitating the demand of the 4.0 era. Indeed, practicing 21st century skills focuses on ICT in education. Research Methodology used is a quantitative approach, and experimental research is used with the </span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont15">onegroup</span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont15">pretest-posttest design scheme. Implementation of creative thinking skills tests for pretest and posttest questions consisting of ten dual-choice questions according to high-level thinking skills criteria then tested Content Validity Index. In conclusion, the virtual reality-based virtual laboratory for the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program has a significant influence on student learning outcomes. In addition, it can upgrade the virtual reality based virtual laboratory for the major Electrical Engineering Education rating of 1.6 in the medium category.</span></span></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering IoT-based pH sensor's performance in detecting the acidity level of catfish pond water in the Cadek area of Aceh Besar Regency.2024-07-25T10:28:16+08:00Sri<p><em>In catfish cultivation, fish growth conditions will be optimal if they are in the pH value range of 6-9. This water quality problem becomes a major problem for catfish farmers in the Cadek area of Aceh Besar district, when the water pH is not normal. The developing internet of things (IoT) technology can really help or make it easier for farmers to control water pH. The aim of this research is to design a water pH monitoring tool using IoT-based tools. This research model applies the 4D model, namely define, design, develop, disseminate. some of the equipment used is NodeMCU, pH sensor, water pump relay, Blink application and pHmeter. The results of the feasibility of this tool carried out by 2 expert validators in the field of electrical engineering were obtained in the very feasible category. The next stage was to test the device 10 times using the Blynk application and a pHmeter. In the Blynk application, the average pH value read is 5.67. Meanwhile, when measured with a pHmeter, the average pH value read was 5.92. This designed tool can provide pH values regardless of position without having to be close to the catfish pond, so that farmers can check the pH of the pond water from a distance. It can be concluded that good accuracy of the fish pond acidity test equipment has been obtained and is a positive step in ensuring the health and survival of fish as well as operational efficiency.</em></p>2024-07-25T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering of PLC and VSD Trainers for Starting Electric Motors in Electrical Machine Control Courses2024-07-26T10:34:27+08:00M. Fauzi<p><em>Starting an electric motor using a PLC and VSD is one of the materials in the Electrical Machine Control course which requires a medium to facilitate students during practicum. This practical trainer was developed as an aid to assist lecturers in elucidating the material on starting electric motors using PLC and VSD. The types of PLC and VSD trainers in this research used Zelio PLC type SR2 B201FU and VSD Altivar 312. This research used research & development methods in designing the PLC and VSD trainers. The instrument of this research was a media expert and material expert validation sheet to examine the feasibility of the trainer to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Course. The results of media experts' and material experts' validation prove that Using PLC and VSD trainers for starting electric motors in the Electrical Machine Control Course is very feasible in terms of media and material. Where the percentage of scores obtained from media expert 1 was 96%, media expert 2 was 92%, material expert 1 was 80%, and material expert 2 was 94%. So, the feasibility of this trainer is included in the very feasible category to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Course.</em></p>2024-07-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering USE OF WORDWALL MEDIA IN INCREASING STUDENT INTEREST IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DRAWING CLASS X SMKN 1 DARUL KAMAL ACEH BESAR2024-07-26T11:11:10+08:00Johan<p><em>The low interest of students in learning activities has affected student learning outcomes. As for the ways that educators can increase interest in learning, educators can utilize various learning media available. One of the learning media that can be used is Wordwall media. Wordwall media is one of the interactive media that can be used by educators in the learning process so that students become more active and interested in participating in learning and interactions that can benefit students so that students have more interest in learning and become more active during the learning process at SMKN 1 Darul Kamal. The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental type of research. Experimental research is a type of research that aims to determine the effect of variable X on Y. The results of research with learning using Wordwall media can increase the learning interest of students of SMKN 1 Darul Kamal. The conclusion of this study is that there are significant changes and it can be said that there is an increase in learning after the application of Wordwall media.</em></p>2024-07-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering of the Learning Process through the Think Pair Share Learning Model in Basic Electrical Subjects at SMKN 1 Lhoknga2024-07-26T11:18:02+08:00Faisal Azmi Rizal Fachri<p>Vocational High School is an education that is organized by preparing students to work in accordance with certain fields. Vocational learning is lacking in the aspect of understanding so that it can affect student learning outcomes. At SMKN 1 Lhoknga, students' understanding is still lacking because the learning model applied is less able to optimize the development of students' understanding. To overcome this problem, the Think Pair Share learning model is applied which is in accordance with the learner-centered curriculum. The study aims to see the response and changes in the activeness of students in basic electrical subjects by applying the Think Pair Share model. This research uses a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were all students of class X TITL SMKN 1 Lhoknga, totaling 27 students. The instruments used are observation sheets and questionnaires. The results showed that the Think Pair Share learning model the average level of student activeness obtained was 79 with a trend of 79 ≥ 73.3 which was included in the very high category of student activeness. As for the response of students, it is 77.04%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of the Think Pair Share model can increase the activeness of students in basic electrical materials.</p>2024-07-26T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference On Vocational Education, Electrical & Electronic Engineering