Development of Interactive E-LKPD Based Mind Mapping Helpful Sigil Software on Impulse and Linear Momentum Material in SMA/MA
Development, E-LKPD, Mind Mapping, Sigil SoftwareAbstract
The subject of impulse and linear momentum is one of the relatively complicated subjects in class X physics in the even semester. In general, students at SMA Negeri 1 Trienggadeng consider impulse and linear momentum to be one of the physics materials that is difficult to understand. This difficulty lies in the learning media which only uses printed books in the process of teaching and learning activities, making it difficult for students to understand abstract impulse and linear momentum material. So Interactive E-LKPD media is needed as a learning medium other than printed books which can help students understand the material on impulse and linear momentum. This research aims to determine (1) the design of an Interactive E-LKPD based on mind mapping assisted by sigil software on impulse and linear momentum material (2) the feasibility of an Interactive E-LKPD based on mind mapping assisted by sigil software on impulse and linear momentum material. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) research method and the models used in this development are the allesi and trolllip models. Alessi and Trolip consist of three research stages, namely planning, design and development. The instruments used in this research were validation sheets by media experts, material experts and practical validation sheets by students. The research results show that the E-LKPD based on mind mapping assisted by sigil software on impulse and linear momentum material developed is very suitable for use by obtaining an average score of 95.41% with a very valid assessment category. Based on the results of product validation by media experts, they obtained an average score of 96.07% in the very valid assessment category, and the validation results by material experts obtained an average score of 94.75% in the very valid assessment category.
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