ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching <p><strong>Description:</strong> Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT) are the proceedings of a biennial conference organized by Department of English Language Education Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. These proceedings are created as a forum for academics and practitioners to disseminate research results in the form of scientific articles. We also invite speakers, both academics and professionals, to share and exchange knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Organized By :</strong><br />Department of English Language Education<br />Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry, Indonesia</p> en-US Wed, 16 Oct 2024 03:34:45 +0000 OJS 60 LECTURERS' TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR FIRST-YEAR ENGLISH STUDENTS AT MUHAMMADIYAH ACEH UNIVERSITY <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study investigated the teaching strategies employed by lecturers for first-year students at the University of Muhammadiyah Aceh. Through interviews with four lecturers, the research explored their views on teaching methods and the challenges associated with instructing first-year students. While three lecturers noted little difference between teaching first-year and more advanced students, one highlighted distinctions in the approaches and materials used. The challenges identified included students' limited vocabulary, lack of confidence, and low motivation. To address these, lecturers primarily utilized active learning, discussions, and multimedia resources, tailoring these strategies according to class dynamics, student motivation, and vocabulary levels. The use of educational games was infrequent, as mentioned by one lecturer. The study also examined students' perceptions of these strategies, revealing generally positive feedback. Most students enjoyed the variety of strategies, found them effective, and experienced little boredom or confusion. Group discussions were common and well-received, whereas games, experiments, or simulations were less frequently employed, reflecting their sporadic use by lecturers. Overall, the research emphasized the positive influence of diverse teaching strategies on student comprehension and engagement, highlighting potential areas for improvement in language teaching methods.</span></em></p> Sayed Ziyaul Fathani, Rahmatun Nisa, Cut Mawar Helmanda Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHER’S ROLE IN FACILITATING EFL AUTONOMOUS LEARNING THROUGH DIGITAL ASSISTANCE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW <p><em>This article is a systematic review that examined several related studies that investigated how teacher facilitates students using digital aids to learn independently. Pupils can now study on their own, the researchers curious about what role does the teacher play in the classroom? The articles were selected from Google Scholar and manual search. With the use of proximity and Boolean operators, the researchers located 39 (thirty-nine) publications. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) was then used to review the chosen papers. The articles must need some criteria covering the last five years of publication, from 2020 to 2024, participants’ age, the publishing of the article, the sorts of autonomous learning—using models like the flipped classroom, digital aids or apps, full text access, and abstract—were among the pertinent data that the researchers extracted. Articles discovered outside of the specified category were removed. The researchers found 12 (twelve) articles included in category to proceed further review. This study discovered that although there are many digital resources available today to assist students in their independent studying, the function of the teacher or lecturer is still regarded as important.</em></p> Lathifatuddini Rusdi, Ainol Mardhiah, Hayatul Muna, Anisaturrahmi Anisaturrahmi, Suci Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UTILIZATION OF GOOGLE FORMS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND HADIH MADJA FOR MANAGEMENT VERSUS PHYSICS EDUCATION STUDENTS IN ACEH <p><em>Hadih madja is an Acehnese proverb as a cultural heritage related to oral language which is increasingly losing its popularity in the digital era, especially among young people. Language learning to maintain the cultural heritage of the Acehnese nation such as hadih madja requires the use of Google forms in the development of technology. Google forms are needed to determine the understanding of hadih madja. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. Participants were selected by purposive sampling consisting of 50 management students versus 50 physics education students at Samudra University who mastered the Acehnese language to fill out Google forms. It is concluded that both parties understand that hadih madja is a guideline for life by Acehnese and both parties understand that revitalization of hadih madja is needed. However, the understanding of both parties differs in the agreement of lecturers and students about the understanding of hadih madja. While for the understanding of the suitability of hadih madja with the development of the era, management students can answer clearly and dominantly while there is no majority percentage interval for physics education students in this case. Thus, Google Forms is very useful in finding out students' understanding of Hadih Madja.</em></p> Allif Syahputra Bania, Najihatul Faridy, Maria Ulfa, Fiza Rauzika Al Tasa, Teuku Hasan Basri Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COLOR PICTURES FOR A BETTER VOCABULARY SIZE <p><em>The purpose of this study is to ascertain how color pictures help students become more proficient in vocabulary and to look at how students see the employment of color pictures. It was held in a single Indonesian middle school run by the state. The experimental research approach was applied in this study. There were 49 total students in the population, made up of one year 7 experimental class and one year 7 control class. Pre- and post-test data were gathered to examine the validity of the students' responses, and questionnaires were used to confirm the research findings and gathered the opinions of the students. "SPSS 25" was used for the test and the Likert model for the questionnaire data analysis. Following the independent test, the pre- and post-test results showed a significant level (2-tailed) of.000 &lt; 0.05, suggesting that the alternative hypothesis (Ho) was disproved and (Ha) was accepted. The study's findings demonstrated that when the students received the treatment from the researchers utilizing color visuals, their vocabulary mastery increased. According to the findings of the questionnaire, students said that the usage of color graphics captured their attention during the learning process and helped them comprehend and master new words, expanding their vocabulary in the process.</em></p> Khairiah Syahabuddin, Rita Hermida, Sa’i Sa’i, Miftahul Jannah Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ISSUES OF STUDENTS WHEN TRANSLATING ENGLISH COLLOCATION INTO INDONESIAN <p><em>This study investigated the problems faced by students in translating English Collocation into Indonesian and explored the strategies for helping students in improving while their translating English Collocation into Indonesian. The study employed a mixed-method approach by utilizing questionnaire as the primary data collection. Purposive sampling was used to select 38 participants from three universities</em><em>, they are:</em><em>University of Muhammadiyah Aceh, University of Syiah Kuala, and University of Islam Negeri Ar-raniry (UIN).The quantitative data was analyzed using percentage, while the qualitative data was examined descriptively. The first finding revealed that students struggle with translating English collocations into Indonesian due to several factors, including insufficient understanding of collocations, cultural issues, grammatical issues, and limited vocabulary. The second finding identifies various strategies to improve students' ability to translate English collocations into Indonesian.</em> <em>These strategies include using a dictionary, using English collocations in teaching, reading books, practicing regularly, watching English-language movies without subtitles, listening to music in English, using the internet, studying slang and idioms, and using social media.</em></p> Refvi Delya, Cut Mawar Helmanda, Siti Safura Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTS OF USING CHATGPT AS AN AI RESOURCE FOR WRITING ASSIGNMENTS <p><em>This study explores the impact of using ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) model developed by OpenAI, on students' performance in writing assignments. As ChatGPT becomes increasingly integrated into educational settings, it may influence students' ability to complete assignments and potentially diminish their interest in traditional learning methods. The research employed quantitative methods, utilizing a close-ended questionnaire as the primary instrument. The sample consisted of 30 students from various institutions, including Muhammadiyah University, Darussalam Gontor University (UNIDA), and State Islamic Ar-Raniry University. The findings indicate that relying on ChatGPT for writing assignments can affect students' independence and reduce their engagement with traditional learning approaches. Students who excessively depend on ChatGPT for writing may experience a decline in their critical and analytical thinking skills. However, when used wisely, ChatGPT can enhance the quality of learning and increase the efficiency of completing assignments</em></p> Muhammad Ghulam Nafi’Dhany, Rahmatun Nisa, Lina Farsia Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 LEVERAGING SPOTIFY PODCASTS TO BOOST LISTENING SKILLS: INSIGHTS FROM ENGLISH LEARNERS' PERSPECTIVES <p><em>This study explores how English language learners use podcasts to improve their listening abilities, with an emphasis on their perceptions, the advantages and disadvantages of podcast usage, and the difficulties they face. Thirty English language learners from Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor 8, who are also the institution's teachers, participated in the study. Random sampling was used to choose participants, and Google Forms was used to deliver an online survey that gathered data. The purpose of the open-ended survey was to find out how students felt about podcasts as a tool for increasing their listening comprehension. Thematic analysis was used to examine the data, and the results were displayed as percentages to show important trends and patterns. The results show that learners have a positive perception of podcasts and consider them to be an important tool for improving listening skills. The capacity to rewatch episodes, the variety of content, and the flexibility of use are among the main benefits that have been noted. Students did, however, also point up a number of drawbacks, including the absence of visual aids, lengthy runs, and transcripts. Some students also mentioned having trouble focusing and being bored, which made it difficult for them to properly interact with the material. These findings have important ramifications for teachers and students who want to maximize the use of podcasts in language acquisition.</em></p> Aulia Alfarisi, Sarair Sarair, Lina Farsia Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Thu, 03 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCATION IN INDONESIA: A LITERATURE REVIEW <p><em>Recently, climate change issue become critical to be researched due to its badly effects to human life. In response to this issue, UNESCO declared the importance of education and training in addressing climate change in providing education services. However, the climate change issue in education sector is still limited to research. Thus, the purpose of this study is to discover the trends of climate change topic in educational research, especially in context of teaching English as foreign language in Indonesia. A content analysis method, both quantitative and qualitative research are used in this study. A number of education research reports published for the past 10 years were examined, especially regarding topic of climate change issue in English Education. The research reports were form open sources by using keywords; climate change, English, and Education. However, the researchers found limited research about climate change issue in English education reports in Indonesia. It indicated that climate change topic was rarely studied in English education context, including in language classroom activities or lecturer material. It means that climate change issue in English education context still needed to be explored in future researches.&nbsp; Thus, the researcher suggests other researcher to conduct more studies about inserting climate change topic in their research.</em></p> Rocky Harisman Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE TEACHERS IN CHOOSING TEACHING METHOD FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING <p><em>This research aims to discover the differences between male and female teachers in choosing teaching methods and find out the factors that influence the differences between male and female teachers in choosing teaching method. This research used a qualitative method. It was conducted at MAS Dayah Darul Ihsan with total sample seven teachers (four male teachers and three female teachers). The researcher used interview as the technique in collecting the data. The findings of this research show that male teachers often use lecture or discussion methods and interactive methods, while female teachers often use cooperative or problem-based learning method. In addition, the research found that are some factors that influence male and female teachers in choosing teaching method, such as school environment, student interactions, and responses to trend in education.</em></p> Rauzatul Zannah, Azizah Azizah Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Wed, 09 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE LEARNING COGNITIVE PROCESS AND LEARNING INNOVATION <p><em>This study examines the important of </em><em>tasks in language learning</em><em>. Although English has been learned since elementary school, the students' language skills are still very limited and not good at communicating by using English. This paper on a limited scale attempts to explain one perspective of the writer with starting the first part by reflecting the author's experience of learning English from high school to college, then it will try to approach it with motivation theory and second language learning theory as well as the components of successful learners. Learning a Foreign language is not only about knowledge but also as a skill. As a knowledge, language learning involves the cognitive domain (remembering, repeating, and memorizing), but as a language skill it must be regularly used in its social context. </em><em>To this end, the use of task is very important. Tasks are language learning activities that engage learners in the use of a target language primarily to express their intended meanings to achieve outcomes that are similar to real-world activities. While performing the tasks, learners are involved in the process of using a language naturally with the primary aim of communicating. </em><em>The implication of cognitive theories in educational field is try to produce learners who are able to find the problem&nbsp;solving, do&nbsp;discovery learning, apply cognitive strategies, and conduct project based learning</em><em>.</em></p> Syamsul Bahri Copyright (c) 2024 ICELT: International Conference on English Language Teaching Wed, 16 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000