The Effect of the Use of Digitalization of Zakat on Effectiveness in Collecting Zakat at Baznas Riau Province


  • Herlinda Postgraduate Sharia Economics Uin Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Nanda Suryadi Postgraduate Sharia Economics Uin Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Muhammad Albahi Postgraduate Sharia Economics Uin Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Dea Putriana Subarkah Postgraduate Sharia Economics Uin Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau


zakat digitalization, Effectiveness


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of digitalization on the effectiveness of collecting zakat at BAZNAS Riau Province. Quantitative research design, with a total research sample of 43 respondents of BAZNAS Riau Province institutions. The research findings of the research results concluded that there was a significant influence between the digitalization of zakat and the effectiveness in the collection of zakat at BAZNAS Riau Province. Based on the research conducted in the digitalization of zakat on the level of effectiveness in the collection of zakat BAZNAS has an effect on effectiveness because from the results of the existing statement that the level of achievement or the amount of work achieved has been in accordance with the level of work quality measures in accordance with BAZNAS objectives. Performing zakat digitization transactions using the LinkAja application, can be done without time limits in paying zakat and can also be done quickly without any obstacles effectively in paying zakat.   


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How to Cite

Herlinda, Suryadi, N., Albahi, M., & Subarkah, D. P. (2024). The Effect of the Use of Digitalization of Zakat on Effectiveness in Collecting Zakat at Baznas Riau Province. Proceedings of Aceh International Seminar on Zakat and Waqf, 1(1). Retrieved from