Productive Zakat, welfare, CIBEST ModelAbstract
This research aims to examine the impact of economic recovery with CIBEST model. The CIBEST model is a method that measures poverty from a perspective Islam by harmonizing material and spritual aspects using BPS data for calculate the MV value before and after receiving economic recovery assistance from BAZNAS Takalar Regency. The research carried out was field research with using qualitative methods and ussing the CIBEST model as a measuring tool. Amount The mustahik in this study were 8 heads of households. The research results show that economic recovery assistance from BAZNAS Takalar Regency is measured based on The CIBEST model is effective, seen based on the CIBEST model analysis carried out namely, quadrant I in the prosperous category has 3 households, quadrant II in the material category has 5 houses households, quadran II is spritually poor and quadrant IV is absolute poverty, there are no households who are spritually and absolutely poor. Research results from the welfare index and CIBEST model povery after receiving assistance is on the welfare index amounting to 0.375, a change of 37.6%, the material poverty index was 0.625, a change of 625 %. Index spritual poverty and absolute poverty spritual poverty and absolute poverty there is no change, 0% means household mustahik both before and after receiving aid, nome of them spritually poor and Absolutely poor, they are rich in spritual values but poor in material things.
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