
  • ahmed alkan International Islamic University Malaysia


ZISWAF, Digital platform, Transparency, Digitalization


This study explores the collection and distribution of ZISWAF (Zakat, Infak, Sadaqah, and Waqf) funds via digital platforms, emphasizing the role of mobile applications and online donation systems. The rapid advancement of digital technologies and their integration into charitable donation mechanisms present substantial opportunities for enhancing transparency and building trust in fund management. The research assesses the innovations brought by digitalization in managing ZISWAF funds and the challenges encountered from technological, social, legal, and ethical perspectives. The central research question addresses how digital platforms can be made more transparent and reliable in the collection and distribution of ZISWAF funds. Utilizing a qualitative research method with a case study design, data was gathered through a literature review and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings are categorized under five main themes: the scope and suitability of digital donation systems, transparency and trust, user-friendly interfaces, target audience and application purpose, and project diversity and impact. The results indicate that digital donation systems offer significant benefits in areas such as transparency, transaction speed, and real-time tracking of fund usage through reporting and traceability. However, they also highlight the need for improvements in security, data protection, and legal regulations. Particularly, while blockchain technology is noted for enhancing transparency, it also poses risks related to data protection and user privacy. The discussion section explores the practical implications of these findings and suggests areas for further research and policy development to optimize the integration of digital systems into ZISWAF management. In conclusion, developing and promoting digital donation systems in alignment with technological, legal, and ethical standards can significantly improve the effective collection and distribution of ZISWAF funds, thereby contributing to social justice and solidarity. However, enhancements in areas such as security, legal frameworks, and user education are necessary for the full realization of these benefits.


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How to Cite

ahmed alkan. (2024). LEVERAGING DIGITAL PLATFORMS FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ZISWAF FUNDS: ONLINE DONATION SYSTEMS AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS. Proceedings of Aceh International Seminar on Zakat and Waqf, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journal.ar-raniry.ac.id/AISZAWA/article/view/6323