Management, Productive Waqf, Institution, management, productive waqf, InstitutionAbstract
Productive waqf management by the Nazhir Waqf Ibadurrahman Duri Institution has not shown maximum results, as the beneficiaries and the surrounding community have not felt its impact. This research aims to identify productive waqf management strategies and the challenges and obstacles faced by the Nazhir Waqf Ibadurrahman Duri Institution. The method focuses on an in-depth exploration by detailing the phenomena in the field regarding the institution's productive waqf management. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with institutional administrators and from documents related to waqf management. The research results showed that strategies in productive waqf management by the Nazhir Waqf Ibadurrahman Duri Institution (LNW) include making a comprehensive business plan, managing Human Resources (HR) by increasing the capacity and competence of administrators through waqf nazir certification, utilizing waqf assets for productive activities such as plantations, trade, and services, making transparent financial reports, and creating cash waqf or productive waqf programs to attract public participation. Challenges in productive waqf management include the lack of knowledge and skills of the nazir, limited funds for the development and maintenance of waqf assets, lack of access to technology and information to improve waqf management efficiency, lack of public awareness and participation in productive waqf, and business risks such as crop failure or natural disasters affecting waqf assets.
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