Mosque Financial Inclusion; Maximizing ZISWAF for the Poor in Jogokariyan Village, Yogyakarta


  • Mohammad H. Holle Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon, Indonesia
  • Rahmawati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe Aceh, Indonesia
  • Binti Nur Asyiah UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia
  • Dety Aryani Relubun Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon, Indonesia
  • Fatmah Waty Pelupessy Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon, Indonesia


Mosque Financial Inclusion, Maximizing ZISWAF, Poor People, Jogokariyan Mosque


This research aims to answer the problem of optimizing the Mosque as a place for implementing financial inclusion by maximizing the ZISWAF sharia instrument to overcome the economic conditions of vulnerable, poor, and capital-poor people.

With a case study methodology with a single instrument, this qualitative research concentrates on one problem which is then studied comprehensively in the research locus at the Jogokariyan Mosque located in Jogokariyan Village, Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and document reviews.

The results of the research show: the implementation of financial inclusion at the Jogokariyan Mosque, Yogyakarta, located in Jogokariyan Village, Yogyakarta, has been carried out well which can be measured by three indicators, namely, access, use, and quality indicators. The access indicator is carried out through the existence of a number of existing institutions, including Baitul Mal and LAZ as mosque 'banks', without involving government or private financial institutions. These institutions can be easily reached by the target community for financial inclusion. The indicators of the use of the Jogokariyan Mosque are consumptive-productive, where the financing scheme provided to the target community of financial inclusion is in the form of qard, qardhul hasan, and grant contracts. Baitul Mal, and LAZ provide financing to the unbanked or unbanked community without collateral and avoid usury. Quantity indicators, the number of financing recipients has increased, there has been a change in the status of mustahiq to muzakki.

Financial inclusion of mosques implemented at the Jogokariyan Mosque, Jogokariyan Village, Yogyakarta by using the ZISWAF instrument to the maximum, by the government through the Ministry of Religion can be optimized in hundreds of thousands of mosques in Indonesia as a solution to poverty alleviation.


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How to Cite

H. Holle, M., Rahmawati, Binti Nur Asyiah, Dety Aryani Relubun, & Fatmah Waty Pelupessy. (2024). Mosque Financial Inclusion; Maximizing ZISWAF for the Poor in Jogokariyan Village, Yogyakarta. Proceedings of Aceh International Seminar on Zakat and Waqf, 1(1). Retrieved from