
  • Nonica Hidayati Rumah Zakat, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Abdussalam Rumah Zakat, Bandung, Indonesia


Impact of Zakat, Young Farmer, Social Retun on Investment, Berdaya Village


Based on BPS data as of September 2022, Java Island is the largest contributor to poor people in Indonesia and West Java is one of the provinces with the highest number of poor people. One potential that can be developed is agriculture. The problem is, the number of young farmers in this province is very small. Rumah Zakat contributes to improving the welfare of the poor in Palasari Village, Subang Regency through the Young Farmers Program. This research aims to measure the impact of utilizing zakat, infaq and alms funds distributed in the Young Farmers Program. This research uses Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis, the method used is mix method by combining qualitative and quantitative. The sample was determined using purposive sampling and data collection through field observations, in-depth interviews and document studies, while determining the SROI ratio value using the equation of Net Present Value of Benefit and Net Present Value of Investment. The results of this research show that the impact of utilizing zakat, infaq and alms funds distributed in the Young Farmer Program using the SROI calculation approach produces a value of 1:2,03. It means that every Rp1 contribution will generate social benefits of Rp. 2,03. So that, the zakat, infaq, and alms funds distributed in the Young Farmer Program have a big impact on the beneficiaries. The program can be categorized as feasible and right on target.


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How to Cite

Hidayati, N., & Abdussalam. (2024). ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT (SROI) IN THE YOUNG FARMERS PROGRAM IN BERDAYA VILLAGE. Proceedings of Aceh International Seminar on Zakat and Waqf, 1(1). Retrieved from