Akad Mukhābarah, Islamic Law,, Rice Field Management, Customary LawAbstract
Rice field management based on the mukhābarah contract can be found in various regions in Aceh, such as the community of Air Sialang, South Aceh District. However, in its management, there are still some things that are not in accordance with the concept of Islamic law. The problem based on my vision in this research is how the practice of managing rice fields carried out by the people of Air Sialang through a mukhābarah contract, how is the review of Islamic law on the practice of managing these rice fields. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with the type of field study (fieald research). The research data was analysed by descriptive analysis. The results showed that the practice of rice field management based on the mukhābarah contract in the Air Sialang community of South Aceh Regency was carried out by the owner of the rice field leasing the land to the manager to be cultivated. The form of the lease agreement is by way of ‘Belah Batang’. What is meant by ‘Belah Batang’ is that the cost and seeds of rice plants are borne by the manager of the rice field, the determination of notification of the type of rice seeds planted, the agreement on profit sharing at the beginning of the agreement, the steps to resolve problems when there is a violation of the contract.The practice of managing rice fields through the mukhābarah contract tends not to be in accordance with the principles and values of Islamic law. This applies not to the uncertainty of the mukhābarah contract, but rather to the practice of tadlis or fraud and injustice from the cultivator of the rice field with the owner of the rice field, namely the cultivator generally does not tell honestly the amount of rice harvest, so that the share of the owner of the rice field is not in accordance with the contract at the beginning of the agreement.
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